Bagi para penikmat wacana geologi-agama, barangkali buku berikut bisa
dijadikan salahsatu bacaan alternatif, cocok untuk bacaan akhir pekan  :-)

*Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and Hostility (Geological
Society Special Publication)*
By *M. Kolbl-ebert
* Publisher:   Geological Society Pub House
* Number Of Pages:   360
* Publication Date:   2009-05-15
* ISBN-10 / ASIN:   1862392692
* ISBN-13 / EAN:   9781862392694
* Link:

For thousands of years, religious ideas have shaped the thoughts and actions
of human beings. Many
of the early geological concepts were initially developed within this
context. The long-standing
relationship between geology and religious thought, which has been sometimes
indifferent, sometimes
fruitful and sometimes full of conflict, is discussed from a historical
point of view. This relationship
continues into the present. Although Christian fundamentalists attack
evolution and related
palaeontological findings as well as the geological evidence for the age of
the Earth, mainstream
theologians strive for a fruitful dialogue between science and religion.
Much of what is written and
discussed today can only be understood within the historical perspective.
This book considers the development of geology from mythological approaches
towards the European
Enlightenment, biblical or geological Flood and the age of the Earth,
geology within ‘religious’
organizations, biographical case studies of geological clerics and religious
geologists, religion and
evolution, and historical aspects of creationism and its motives.


2010/1/7 Eko Prasetyo <>

> Allah berfirman: "Di bumi itu kamu hidup dan di bumi itu kamu mati, dan
> dari bumi itu (pula) kamu akan dibangkitkan.
> (QS, Al-A'raaf: 25)
> Banyak yang menafsirkan ayat di atas sebagai kemutlakan bahwa hanya di bumi
> lah manusia dapat hidup.
> “Hai jamaah, jin dan manusia, jika kamu sanggup menembus (melintasi)
> penjuru langit dan bumi, makan lintasilah, kamu tidak dapat menembuskannya
> melainkan dengan kekuatan ”.
> (QS, Ar-Rahman: 33)
> Di sini tidak disebutkan tentang makhluk lain selain Jin dan Manusia.
> Satu energy (atau non-condensed dimensional being) satunya material (atau
> ocndensed-dimensional being).
> On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:09:43 +0800, Awang Satyana <>
> wrote:
>  Bumi yang penuh kehidupan tingkat kompleks itu sebuah takdir yang telah
>> diatur atau sekadar kebetulan saja ?

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