Pak Ade Kadarusman ysh,

Saya sangat tertarik untuk baru Anda tentang Banda Arc. Selamat atas
terbitnya paper International Anda di Gondwana Research. Selamat berkarya
terus walau kini berada di medan tambang...tapi malah untung dong..bukunya
alam langsung didepan mata...alias batu..


Andri Subandrio

> Dear All,
> Saya infokan paper lama saya yg publish saat ini yang sebenarnya sudah
> lama di submitt ke Gondwana Research tahun 2005-2006, tetapi tercecer
> dalam proses reviewing, maklum saat itu dalam proses pindah profesi dari
> akademisi ke pekerja tambang (dari lingkungan gedung penuh buku ke
> lingkungan hutan belantara penuh debu).
> saya sudah hampir menyerah utk men-trace keberadaan paper tersebut, tetapi
> akhirnya di submit kembali tahun lalu oleh guru saya, prof. Maruyama.
> Paper ini merupakan bagian dari Master thesis saya.
> Kalau sudah dapat pdf-nya, nanti saya kirim kepada yg memerlukannya
> Salam,
> Ade Kadarusman
> cari article in press atau cari di google
> World's youngest blueschist belt from Leti Island in the non-volcanic
> Banda outer arc of Eastern Indonesia
> References and further reading may be available for this article. To view
> references and further reading you must purchase this article.
> Ade Kadarusmana, b, Shigenori Maruyamab, Yoshiyuki Kanekoc, Tsutomu Otad,
> Akira Ishikawae, Jan Sopaheluwakana and Soichi Omorib
> aResearch Center for Geotechnology, LIPI, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
> bDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of
> Technology,
> Ookayama 2-12-2, Tokyo, 1528551, Japan
> cMeisei University, Tokyo Japan
> dThe Pheasant Memorial Laboratory, Institute for Study of the Earth's
> Interior,
> OkayamaUniversity, Misasa, Tottori, Japan
> eInstitute For Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE),
>  Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 2-15,
> Natsushima-Cho, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan
> Received 15 December 2009;  revised 6 February 2010;  accepted 10
> February 2010, Available online 19 February 2010.
> Abstract
> The Timor–Tanimbar region constitutes part of the non-volcanic outer
> Banda Arc of Eastern Indonesia. Here, the world's youngest ‘A’-type
> high-pressure metamorphic belt crops out with different stages of
> evolution. Whereas an advanced domal uplift stage is seen in Timor island,
> the high-pressure (HP) metamorphic belt is still in the first stage of
> tectonic extrusion on the eastern small islands of Kisar, Leti, Moa,
> Sermata and Laibobar. The metamorphic rocks on Leti are among the best
> exposed in the islands. They are tectonically juxtaposed against overlying
> ultramafic rocks and underlying unmetamorphosed continental shelf
> sediments, bound by normal and reverse faults, respectively. The Leti
> metapelites display four progressive metamorphic zones:
> chlorite–biotite, garnet, chloritoid–staurolite and kyanite zones,
> with increasing grade. Zonation in Leti metabasite unit is comparable, and
> progressively changes from blueschist–greenschist
>  transition (BS/GS), through epidote–amphibolite (EA), to amphibolite
> (AM) facies, with increasing grade. The highest-grade metapelites and
> metabasites occupy structurally intermediate levels. Overprinting mineral
> relationships in BS/GS transition schists indicate that decompression
> occurred from 5.5–7 kbar to < 4 kbar within the temperature range
> 300–400 °C. P–T estimates of the EA and AM units are
> 6.3–7.6 kbar and 461–521 °C, and 9.7–10.3 kbar and
> 580–626 °C respectively.
> The protoliths of Leti metamorphic rocks are originally Permo-Triassic.
> The younger sediments and igneous rocks at the margin of the northward
> advancing Australian continent entered the subduction zone immediately
> prior to the commencement of the Banda Arc–Australia collision in the
> Pliocene. Burial reached a maximum depth of 30–35 km at the main stage
> of peak P–T conditions, and was related to the main stage of the
> collisional event. Slab break-off at depth in the collision zone
> facilitated rapid uplift by wedge extrusion and active erosion during the
> exhumation stage. The tectonic juxtaposition of the schist units at
> mid-crustal levels and hydration may correspond to the final stage of
> Barrovian overprinting which continued through transportation from depth.
> The Leti Island belongs to the eastern portion of the world's youngest
> blueshist belt which has not yet entered the second-stage mountain
> building, and is slightly younger than the western Timor which evolved to
> the extensive mountain-building stage by doming.
> Keywords: Banda Arc; Leti; HP metamorphic rock; P–T estimation;
> Thermobaric structure; Tectonics

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