Mungkin menunggu harga minyak tinggi dulu!
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-----Original Message-----
From: "R.P.Koesoemadinata" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:02:26 
To: <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Exxon Finds 2nd Oil Field at Indonesia Cepu Block
Waduh, Kedungkeris itu prospectnya sudah ditemukan  pada waktu zaman Humpuss 
tahun 1995. Yang saya herankan adalah mengapa baru dibor sekarang 15 tahun 

Kedungkeris itu berada antara Banyuurip dan Sukowati (Petrochina), dan di 
seismic section Kujung Reef-build-up nya itu sangat ideal seperti di textbook.

Yang baru kalau Exxon Mobil menemukan minyak di formasi Ngimbang

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Amir Al Amin 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:00 AM
  Subject: [iagi-net-l] Exxon Finds 2nd Oil Field at Indonesia Cepu Block

  Just sharring
  Exxon Finds 2nd Oil Field at Indonesia Cepu Block 
  by  Andreas Ismar
  Dow Jones Newswires
  Monday, April 25, 2011

        ExxonMobil's Indonesian unit said it has discovered a second oil field 
at the Cepu Block it operates in East Java Province.

        "Its similarity to the other Cepu fields provides confirmation of our 
exploration strategy on the block, and its proximity to Banyu Urip provides a 
good opportunity to advance development of this new oil discovery," Mobil Cepu 
Ltd. President Terry McPhail said.

        The well is located about 14 kilometers from Banyu Urip, the first oil 
field found on the Cepu block in 2001.

        The company will analyze data from the newly found Kedung Keris-1 field 
to evaluate the resource potential of the reservoir.

        Mobil Cepu and Ampolex (Cepu) Pte. Ltd., both subsidiaries of Exxon 
Mobil, have a combined 45% stake in the block, while Pertamina EP Cepu owns 45% 
and the Cepu Block Cooperation Body, or BKS, holds the remaining 10%.

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