ya wajar toh.. Pak Yatno kan lebih tertarik Beku-Matamorfnya.... :-)

mongomong, adakah pemboran yang dilakukan/ diteruskan dg science di

saya pernah baca bebeapa sumur yg di bor di jepang, rusia untuk penelitian.

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Shofiyuddin <shofiyud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kalo dah ketemu definif OWC nya, kenapa harus ke basement? kecuali
> sebaliknya.
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono <
> yuw...@gc.itb.ac.id> wrote:
>>  Kenapa gk berani ngebor sampai basement nya Ya?
>> YSY
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* R.P.Koesoemadinata <koeso...@melsa.net.id>
>> *To:* iagi-net@iagi.or.id
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 26, 2011 1:02 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [iagi-net-l] Exxon Finds 2nd Oil Field at Indonesia Cepu
>> Block
>> Waduh, Kedungkeris itu prospectnya sudah ditemukan  pada waktu zaman
>> Humpuss tahun 1995. Yang saya herankan adalah mengapa baru dibor sekarang 15
>> tahun kemudian?
>> Kedungkeris itu berada antara Banyuurip dan Sukowati (Petrochina), dan di
>> seismic section Kujung Reef-build-up nya itu sangat ideal seperti di
>> textbook.
>> Yang baru kalau Exxon Mobil menemukan minyak di formasi Ngimbang
>> Wassalam
>> RPK
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Amir Al Amin <amir.al.a...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* iagi-net@iagi.or.id
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:00 AM
>> *Subject:* [iagi-net-l] Exxon Finds 2nd Oil Field at Indonesia Cepu Block
>> Just sharring
>> ----------------------------------------
>> Exxon Finds 2nd Oil Field at Indonesia Cepu Block
>>   by  Andreas Ismar
>> |
>> Dow Jones Newswires
>> |
>> Monday, April 25, 2011
>> ExxonMobil's Indonesian unit said it has discovered a second oil field at
>> the Cepu Block it operates in East Java Province.
>> "Its similarity to the other Cepu fields provides confirmation of our
>> exploration strategy on the block, and its proximity to Banyu Urip provides
>> a good opportunity to advance development of this new oil discovery," Mobil
>> Cepu Ltd. President Terry McPhail said.
>> The well is located about 14 kilometers from Banyu Urip, the first oil
>> field found on the Cepu block in 2001.
>> The company will analyze data from the newly found Kedung Keris-1 field to
>> evaluate the resource potential of the reservoir.
>> Mobil Cepu and Ampolex (Cepu) Pte. Ltd., both subsidiaries of Exxon Mobil,
>> have a combined 45% stake in the block, while Pertamina EP Cepu owns 45% and
>> the Cepu Block Cooperation Body, or BKS, holds the remaining 10%.

Amir Al Amin
Operations/ Wellsite Geologist

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