Ih telat fracking itu apakah membuat fracture?
Boleh tahu debebani dengan apa? Diledakkan atau di tembak spt kalau mau ambil 
Yaa wajar sAja kalau ada rekah terjadi pengurangan kekuatan. Kalau melewati 
batas kekuatan serpih yaa pasti akan terjadi pergerakan. Salam.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Andi AB Salahuddin <a_baiq...@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 14:46:43 
To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Reply-To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l]  Frac dan gempa
Mungkin ada Ibu/Bapak netters sekalian yang bisa menjelaskan lebih detail dari 
sisi structural geology atau geomechanics, seberapa besar sih peluang fracking 
bisa mengakibatkan gempa? Parameter apa saja -jika ada- yang membuat peluangnya 
menjadi makin besar?
Betul Pak Oki, saya pernah baca juga info serupa di milis lain. 
Selain di Ohio, fracking pada shale gas juga ditengarai sebagai trigger 
terjadinya gempa bumi di UK. Kegiatan operasional sempat dihentikan beberapa 
saat sampai ada laporan resmi dari pihak perusahaan, british geological survey, 
dan tidak ketinggalan pula dari pihak environmental agencies.
Bantuan dari pakde gugel, selengkapnya bisa diliat di:
Entah kelanjutan peristiwa tersebut saat ini seperti apa, apakah tetap belanjut 
atau dihentikan karena ada bukti bahwa proses fracking bisa menyebabkan gempa.
Namun cukup bisa dimengerti bahwa di bagian bumi manapun, jika sudah ada kasus 
seperti ini yang sudah menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak, menyangkut bisnis, 
menyangkut lingkungan, menyangkut law, ada kalanya end resultnya jadi abu-abu.


Salam weekend,

--- On Sat, 3/10/12, o - musakti <o_musa...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

From: o - musakti <o_musa...@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Frac dan gempa
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2012, 8:36 PM

Salah satu concern baru (gak baru juga sih) dalam perburuan unconventional HC

Fracking action 'induced' quakes March 11, 2012 Read later.WASHINGTON: A series 
of small earthquakes in Ohio late last year was probably caused by activity 
from fracking, a review by authorities in the US has concluded.The Ohio 
Department of Natural Resources said its review revealed the quakes in the 
north-east of the state in December appeared to be caused by a rare confluence 
of events in which wastewater injected into the ground triggered seismic 
activity in an unmapped fault area.''Geologists believe induced seismic 
activity is extremely rare but it can occur with the confluence of a series of 
specific circumstances,'' the report said.Advertisement: Story continues below 
''After investigating all available geological formation and well activity 
data, state regulators and geologists found a number of co-occurring 
circumstances strongly indicating the Youngstown area earthquakes were 
induced.''It concluded that disposal fluid from the Northstar 1
well ''intersected an unmapped fault in a near-failure state of stress, causing 
movement along that fault''.With the report, Ohio's oil and gas regulators 
announced new standards for transporting and disposing of brine, a by-product 
of oil and natural gas hydraulic fracturing, or ''fracking'', saying the rules 
will be ''among the nation's toughest''. Some US states and other countries 
have moved to ban certain types of fracking, although the industry contends the 
techniques have been in use for decades and are safe.The new rules call for a 
review of geologic data for known faulted areas within the state and a ban on 
putting certain disposal wells within these areas.The state will also require 
oil and gas operations to plug with cement any wells that penetrate into the 
Precambrian basement rock and prohibit injection into these formations.The 
report is the latest to raise fresh questions about fracking, a technique that 
offers the potential to unlock
vast quantities of natural gas from shale formations but has come under intense 
scrutiny from environmentalists.The Ohio Oil and Gas Association said the 
report simply indicated the well was in an unknown fault area.The association's 
executive vice-president, Thomas Stewart, said that the report ''confirmed … 
our belief that the recent seismic activity in the Youngstown area was 
associated with a previously unknown geologic factor, in this case, an unmapped 
fault''.Agence France-Presse

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