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2012/5/4 <ajis...@ymail.com>

> Apakah kursus ini kolaborasi dengan biro kursus iagi atau bagaimana?
> Salam
> SA
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> ------------------------------
> *From: * carolus prasetyadi <cprasety...@yahoo.com>
> *Date: *Fri, 4 May 2012 13:49:13 +0800 (SGT)
> *To: *iagi-net@iagi.or.id<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> *ReplyTo: * <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
> *Subject: *[iagi-net-l] 3-DAYS SHORT COURSE & FIELDTRIP BASEMENT
> RESERVOIR: Basic concept and principles, Petrology Assessmen
>   Bagi rekan2 yg tertarik untuk mendalami Basement Reservoir, akan
> diadakan kursus berikut ini:
>  * *
>  *Basic concept and principles, Petrology Assessment***
>  *Instructor       **         **: Dr. Ir. Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono*
> *Day & Date         **             **: Thursday**-Saturday**, 24**, **25**& 26
> ** May 2012*
> *Venue                  **             **: **Hotel Melia Purosani,
> Yogyakarta*
> *Course Fee         **             **:  Rp. 4**.**000.000,- (including:
> Coffe breaks, lunch, & seminar kits)***
>  *Regristation dateline     : 14 May 2012*
> *Contact  Person & Reg. : C.Prasetyadi (cprasety...@yahoo.com; Hp
> 081-5686-7499) & Sutarto    (sutarto_geo...@yahoo.co.id; Hp
> 081-2270-8961).*
> *Payment for reg.              : Transfer to MANDIRI 137-00-0469-196-6
> a/n Ir.Sutarto, MT; *
> *                                              BCA 456-4918-794, a/n
> Sutarto Ir.*
>  * *
> *Introduction & purpose of the course*
> Oil and gas fields in crystalline basement are discovered mostly by
> accident, usually when the well operator notices hydrocarbon shows and test
> the well. Other case in discovering the HC in basement is when the drilling
> operator reveals the drilling rate is still high even though the depth has
> already reached the basement due to the present of the “soft zone” within
> the crystalline basement and finally discovers HC accordingly. Commercial
> oil deposits in basement rocks are not “geological accidents” but are oil
> accumulations which obey all the rules of oil sourcing, migration, and
> entrapment; therefore in areas of not too deep basement, oil deposits
> within basement rocks should be explored with the same professional skill
> and zeal as accumulations in the overlying sediments (Landes et al, 1960). The
> purpose of this course is to encourage further work in the HC exploration
> in the basement in all(?) oil fields. You will never know that other HC
> maybe “sleeps in your backyard” if you don’t explore it properly.
> * *
> *Program Outline*
> *Day-1* (Thursday, 24 May 2012): *Morning and afternoon sessions*
> Topic   : Petrology and petrogenesis
> *Lithology of the common basement rocks*
> The lithologies of the basement rocks can be devised into 4 groups in
> practical use for the HC industry i.e.: granitoids, volcanics,
> non-carbonate metamorphic, and carbonate metamorphic (marble). Petrological
> aspects of these rock assemblages will be discussed based on their
> petrography, chemistry, genetics, and the related tectonic environments.
> Each rock assemblage will be discussed in the simplified version to
> understand their significant role to the HC reservoir characteristics.
> Special sub-topic such as “granite wash”, texture and porosity of the
> volcanic unit, will be discussed in more details.
> *Day2** *(Friday, 25 May 2012): *Morning session and afternoon sessions*
> Topic   : Alteration and its impact to the rock porosity
> *The role of the ancient hydrothermal alteration*
> Basic principle and identification of the trace of the hydrothermal
> process within “old” basement rocks will be discussed in detail. This
> process is believed to be major cause in high porosity anomalous zone
> encountered within the commonly tight basement rocks, beside rock  
> fracturation
> process by tectonic event(s). It is a new concept introducing “a new
> play” as a tool to explore in more systematically the basement HC
> reservoir potential based on the empirical data. It differs from the HC
> reservoir within the sedimentary formations that has been well-established
> by all of the Oil Companies. HC reservoir in the basement zone need a
> different “play” to guide the exploration: petrology assessment.
> *S**chedule*
> *Day 1** (Thursday, 24 May 2012)*
> 1.       08.00 – 09.00: Registration
> 2.       09.00 – 09.30: Opening ceremony
> *3.       *09.30 – 10.00: *Coffe **Break*
> 4.       10.00 – 12.00: Session 1: Petrology of igneous rocks
> *5.       *12.00 – 13.00: *Lunch** Break (Ishoma)***
> 6.       13.00 – 14.30: Session 2: Petrology of metamorphic rocks
> *7.       *14.30 – 15.00: *Coffe break***
> 8.       15.00 – 16.00: Session 3: Tectonic setting of igneous and
> metamorphic rocks
> *Day2** (Friday, 25 May 2012)*
> 1.       08.00 – 09.30: Session 4: Hydrothermal alteration: basic
> principles
> *2.       *09.30 – 10.00: *Coffee Break ***
> 3.       10.00 – 11.30: Session 5: Other alterations
> *4.       *11.30 – 13.00: *Lunch Break (& Friday Prayer) ***
> 5.       13.00 – 14.30: Session 6: Effect of alteration(s) to the host
> rocks
> 6.       14.30 – 15.00: *Coffe Break*
> 7.       15.00 – 16.30: Session 7: Discussion and case studies
> 8.       16.30 – 17.00: Closing ceremony
> *Day**3 (Saturday, 26 May 2012): Fieldtrip to Bayat*
> 1.       07.00-07.30: Gathering in the lobby
> *2.       *07.30-08.30: Trip to Bayat**
> 3.       08.30-12.00: Basement outcrop observation
> *4.       *12.00 – 13.00: *Ishoma (Lunch)***
> 5.       13.00 – 14.00: Back to Yogya

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