Apakah itu berarti operatornya tertipu atau ditipu atau salah interpretasi
sebelumnya sehingga mengexecute project tsb ? Rasa2nya operator sebesar EM
itu dg jumlah PhD nya yg sampai 600 (email cak Avi), tidak mungkin deh.
Atau ada info2 lain ?


On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 3:49 PM, naslin lainda <nas...@rediffmail.com>wrote:

> Tadi saya barusan ngobrol ama teman yg terlibat di eksplorasi shale gas di
> polandia ini. Katanya TOC nya rendah dibawah 1%. Dari foto core nya
> warnanya abu2, bukan seperti black shale yg di US. Jadi kayaknya bukan
> organic rich shale yg mereka dapatkan.
> Naslin
> From: "rakhmadi avianto"rakhmadi.avia...@gmail.com
> Sent:Wed, 20 Jun 2012 12:17:44 +0530
> To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
> Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Shale gas news
> Dari awal aku memang sudah curiga, mungkin ngga ya Shale Gas Exploration,
> dg exitnya EM dari Poland saya kira bukan hal yg main2. Saya yg alumnus EM
> merasa bahwa EM tidak pernah main2 dalam research di Houston setahu saya
> waktu di sana ada 600an lebih PHD yg kerja di Lab yg diambil dari lulusan
> hampir seluruh dunia dg GPA yg mendekati 4 yg diterima artinya lulusan Top
> of the nudge lah
> >
> >Untuk Indonesia, mungkin tidak semua shale punya potential jadi Shale
> Gas, ini yg belum di evaluasi, belum apa2 koq ujuk2 udah sekian TCF emang
> dari mana dan dasarnya apa?
> >
> >Ingat RDP waktu jadi panelis di gas hydrate, acara Pertamina di Kempinski
> Hotel, RDP mengusulkan harus ada Pilot Project dari Zero ke Hero, artinya
> research yg ter-integrasi, ada G&G, ada drilling, dll krn menyangkut
> fracturing dimana ada usaha dari shale yg nature-nya impermeable menjadi
> permeable, tentu tidak mudah dan tentu perlu dedikasi yg tinggi dalam
> research ini.
> >
> >Salam,
> >Avi NPA 06666
> >Nomor cantik
> >
> >
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Fatrial Bahesti 
> <bahe...@gmail.com<http://ajaxprism/writemail?mode=mail_to_individual&email=bahe...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
>  Mudah2an shale exit tidak terjadi di Indonesia, melainkan tetap exist
> for shale gas exploration..
> > ExxonMobil in Poland shale exit
> By Kathrine Schmidt and news wires
>  18 June 2012 18:00 GMT
>  *Following two disappointing test wells in January, ExxonMobil has made
> the decision to call off further exploration there, a spokesman said
> Monday. *
> "There have been no demonstrated sustained commercial hydrocarbon flow
> rates in our two wells in the Lublin and Podlasie basins," ExxonMobil
> spokesman Patrick McGinn told Upstream in an email.
> "We do not have additional drilling plans in Poland."
> The supermajor's chief executive Rex Tillerson in March alluded to some of
> the technical challenges of drilling in rock formations that had initially
> held high hopes for unconventional production.
> The US Energy Information Administration has pegged Poland as having among
> the largest shale reserves in Europe.
> Nonetheless, ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson spoke to the
> technical difficulties there in a New York meeting with analysts in March.
> “Some of the shales don’t respond as well to hydraulic fracturing,” the
> news wire quoted Tillerson as saying during a meeting with reporters after
> his presentation to analysts. “It’s going to take research and time in the
> lab to understand that.”
> Reuters said that a government report in March slashed estimates of
> Poland's shale gas reserves to 346 billion to 768 billion cubic meters, or
> about one-tenth of previous estimates, denting hopes for an energy source
> that could play a key role in weaning Europe off Russian gas.
> Poland has granted 112 shale exploration licences to ExxonMobil, Chevron
> and other firms, even as some countries, including France and Bulgaria,
> have banned shale exploration pending further environmental studies.
> The Poles are keen to wean themselves off their heavy reliance on coal and
> imported Russian gas, partly due to environmental commitments they face as
> a European Union member nation.
> "ExxonMobil realised that commercial extraction was not possible with
> currently available technology. This is a general problem in Poland that
> shale rocks are too tight to allow extraction," an industry source told the
> news wire, asking not to be identified.
> Abundant shale gas production in Poland poses a potential threat to
> Russia's supremacy in Europe, where it supplies a quarter of the gas used
> in the EU.
> Yet Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom has repeatedly played down the
> threat and on Monday Sergei Komlev, head of contract structuring and price
> formation at Gazprom Export, told a conference in London that Polish gas
> would struggle to achieve the low prices of US shale rivals.
> "In Poland the price for shale gas will be above $15 per million British
> thermal units, over three times than in the US where prices will rise to
> $5-10 (from a current $2.50) once they export gas," Komlev said.
> Last Wednesday, the government abruptly called off a presentation of a
> legal framework for the development of shale gas resources, disappointing
> industry players eager for more clarity before committing further to
> investing in the sector.
> "If this draft was published and ExxonMobil later declared it was leaving
> the country, it would most likely have been a disaster in terms of the
> country's image," said Piotr Spaczynski, partner at law firm Spaczynski,
> Szczepaniak & Wspolnicy, which advises foreign oil companies investing in
> Polish shale.
> The government now plans to unveil the draft law by the end of the month,
> and has said it will cover exploration and extraction of oil and gas from
> both conventional and unconventional sources, including taxation, licensing
> and environmental issues.
> "If I were the government, I would scrap all drafts and let companies
> work, or publish a draft supporting exploration and not one directed at
> excessive taxation," Spaczynski said.
> Poland had high hopes for shale after a study by the US Energy Information
> Association in 2011 estimated Polish reserves at 5.3 trillion cubic metres,
> enough to cover domestic demand for some 300 years.
> The government's study in March slashed estimates for recoverable shale
> gas reserves at 346 to 768 billion cubic metres.
> Despite ExxonMobil, the world's most valuable energy company, to deciding
> to scrap exploration, other firms said they remained committed.
> "(Our company) continues to remain extremely optimistic about the outlook
> for Polish shale gas," said John Buggenhaggen, exploration director at
> UK-listed San Leon Energy.
> >
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