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-----Original Message-----
From: Ok Taufik <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 08:35:36 
To: iagi-net<>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: [iagi-net-l] REE's di Indonesia(?)
Find out why more and more people are investing in Rare Earth Elements
(REE's) instead of gold or silver!Why REE's are THE precious metal
alternativeHow important REE's are to technologyHow important they are to
our futureWhich REE's are the best investment

*"What is happening is the prices are going through the roof because the
Chinese do control the supply.... A lot of other people are opening mines
because they can make a lot of money and governments are behind the
companies opening new mines. So it´s all going to bring a new supply and
eventually the price of rare earth will come down again. But in the
meantime until the new mines can come on stream, somebody is going to make
a lot of money"** Jim Rogers, Economic Times Interview*
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