Nabi siapa yang diturunkan ke west coast africa?
Untung Indonesia nggak kaya minyak. Kalau kaya kan cilaka duabelas di bombardir 
negara yang katanya adikuasa.

Breakfast dulu

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-----Original Message-----
Sender: <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:28:28 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [iagi-net] HC masih banyak di dunia

Ya ndak gitu Razi itu namanya Sud udz dhon
Mungkin itu peringatan buat mereka yg selalu eker2an sesamanya

Makanya para Nabi dan Rosul turun di sana semua

Just thought

Salam pagi

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-----Original Message-----
From: Muhammad Razi <>
Sender: <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:44:54 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [iagi-net] HC masih banyak di dunia
Karena production cost yg sangat tinggi (konon kabarnya oilshale extraction
itu lebih dari USD40-70/bbls) maka dibuatlah skenario supaya harga minyak
dunia selalu diatas USD 100 per barrel.

menarik melihat kasus african oil, gimana west coast africa selalu
menderita padahal kaya minyak. Konflik disana selalu di pelihara utk
kepentingan bbrp pihak.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <>wrote:

>  Berita yang terbaru.
> World hydrocarbon supply ‘relatively boundless,’ SEG told
> HOUSTON, Sept. 23
> 09/23/2013
> By Alan Petzet
> OGJ Chief Editor-Exploration
> Geophysical advances have contributed to the identification of a
> "relatively boundless supply" of oil and gas worldwide, Barry Smitherman,
> chairman, Texas Railroad Commission (RRC), told the Society of Exploration
> Geophysicists annual meeting Sept. 23.
> Texas oil production alone, 1.76 million b/d in the first 6 months of
> 2013, would rank third behind 2.9 million b/d of imports to the US from
> Canada and 2.2 million b/d of imports from the Persian Gulf, Smitherman
> said. Imports from Saudi Arabia would rank fourth.
> Including natural gas liquids, Texas is producing well above 2 million b/d
> of petroleum liquids and could double the figure by 2020 and triple it by
> 2025, Smitherman estimated.
> The Eagle Ford shale alone is making about 600,000 b/d of oil, up from
> nothing 5 years ago, and could attain 1 million b/d within a year.
> The state issued more than 13,400 drilling permits in the first 6 months
> and estimates that the 2013 total will reach a near record of more than
> 23,000, he said. RRC has reduced permitting time to 5 days/well and is
> shooting for 3 days, he added.
> Texas gas production fell to 20 bcfd in the first half, 5 bcfd of that
> from the Barnett shale, from the record 22.6 bcfd in 2011. The Barnett has
> yielded 13 tcf, and a recent study estimated its remaining potential at
> 44-80 tcf.
> So much oil and gas have been located in unconventional formations
> worldwide that the so-called “Peak Oil” web site has shut down, Smitherman
> noted.
> SEG, which had 9,400 people registered for the Houston meeting and expects
> upwards of 10,000, has 40% of its members as US residents and only 5% of
> student members in the US, said David Monk, SEG president.
> Monk said 25% of SEG members express interest in near-surface geophysics.
> The organization is building a new headquarters scheduled to open at the
> end of 2014 in Tulsa.
> Sent from my Windows Phone
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