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john gilmore said the following on 05/31/2005 05:16 PM:

| I found the experience of being 'beaten up' drole, and I am of course
| unrepentent.
| It will he helpful to go back in time to the early years of OS/MFT for
| the System/360.

if you think so.  I don't :)
| Once written within a procedure neither of the DD statements
| //<ddname> DD DUMMY
| or
| //<ddname> DD DUMMY, . . .
| can be altered into one that in fact is functional, permits non-null
| outputs to be written or non-null
| inputs to be read.
| On the other hand
| can be altered readily by simply supplying a different licit value of
| DSN=.  This
| difference was the basis for my statement that DSN=NULLFILE was superior to
| DUMMY when used inside procedures.

Did you try the following:

~ //S1     EXEC PGM=IEFBR14
~ //       PEND

Opposed to what you said, VOLKER.ALLOC.ME got allocated, and the DCB parms
got retained.

Possibly my command of the English language isn't as good as it could be, I
still must be misunderstanding you.  Or could it be that you are wrong?

| I don't believe in arguments from authority of the form 'Things are thus
| because I say so'.

Unfortunately, just saying things doesn't make them true, either.  Saying
things, and providing proof, is another thing

| Quos deus perdere vult amentat.

or dementat, from dementare, taking the mind away
| On the other hand, I am almost equally suspicious of simplistic
| alternatives
| to such arguments. The opinions of the competent and the incompeternt
| are not
| equally valuable; and in particular, the opinions of those who are
| exhausted
| by their never successful attempts to follow an ordered exposition of any
| length have little merit.  This forum is not, or at least should not be,
| a talk show.

Agreed.  Now, of course, there is the question: who is competent, who is
less competent, who is incompetent in this forum?  Only the competent should
vote, but who decides who is allowed to vote ?

In your example you use the word hubris.  Knowing that the original "Quos
deus ...." is part of the addendum to Antigone, I don't think that this was
pure coincidence.

I did not reply to Charles Mills because I did not judge his post interesting.

This is indeed a good example for hubris, don't you think?

~     With kind Regards            |\      _,,,---,,_
~                            ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,
~     Volker Bandke               |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
~      (BSP GmbH)                '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

~     This fortune cookie isn't

~     (Another Wisdom from my fortune cookie jar)

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