In a recent note, Schiradin,Roland HG-Dir itb-db/dc said:

> Date:         Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:48:03 +0200
> Unfortunally the process for the internal compress is a bit hidden to me.
I had thought there is no compress.  Space vacated by deleted members is
simply recycled for new members; existing members remain in place.  This
still leaves an issue of fragmentation; I don't know what addresses that.

If I migrate and recall a PDSE, does it come back optimized, defragmented,
compressed, whatever; even as happens with a PDS?

> Another issue is NON-SMS and PDSE
I was pleased to learn, relatively recently, that temporary PDSEs are
supported.  I assume this means something broke the logical chain
of PDSE implies SMS implies catalogued implies non-temporary.  Are
temporary PDSEs another instance that requires the SMS address space
to be active?

-- gil

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