When someone mentions green card, you don't think of immigration
You understand the significance of version 3.8
You think of DASD not DISK
You know what a disk pack is
When someone mentions RENT you don't think of housing expense
You know that WAD has nothing to do with gum
You think that fixed font, green on black is an ideal programming environment
You know where "pluckin' and shuckin'" really came from (and wish you didn't)
You know that the head of string is not an HR position
You think of DASD when someone mentions string
You don't trust any machine you can lift or step over
You remember when your computer had an air bag in it (and a compressor to
inflate it)
You understand how a computer can work better with 30 gallons of water in it
You know that a functional recovery routine is not physical therapy
You know what load unit dials are, and how to use them
You know why BALR 14,14 works like it does
You don't consider channels something on TV or part of a product
distribution system
You remember punched cards and why they were called unit records
You know what a drum card is
You know that a DASD FARM isn't where little DASDs grow
You know CORE is in an apple.. mainframes use monolithic memory these days
You DO know what CORE memory was
You understand why 31bit addressing and not 32bit
You know that DEBE does everything but eat
You spell "kicks" CICS
You can make a sentence out of all acronyms, and your peers will understand
it perfectly
Your computer has always been made up of multiple processors
You can recite at least three meanings for the ISC acronym
You remember having to press REQUEST on the console
You know the keystroke for EOB (Alt + 5)
You know domains were something that Amdahl invented
You know that REUS is not waste recycling
You know that a Coupling Facility has nothing to do with the railroad
You know that a control register has nothing to do with Point Of Sale
When someone says prism, you're not thinking of light diffraction
If someone mentions a "pizza oven" you don't immediately think of food
You know the difference between UNI, MP, AP, and SMP
You think of availability in terms of end user access to applications, not
just recovering to the C:> prompt
You consider most horizontal scaling clustering to just be wanna-be's
You remember HIPO and know that it's not a zoo animal
You know why you can't pop address plugs across strings
You know why blue cables and not grey
You know what CUU means
You know what DISOSS is and it doesn't scare you
You don't have to be told when to press the Enter key
You don't spend hours looking for the "ANY" key
You know who "the BUNCH" were (Burroughs, Univac, NCR, CDC and Honeywell)
You know that SPOOL is an acronym (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations Online)
You don't think that address space is an area on an envelope
You've successfully used PSW RESTART
You know what Reset, Load, Rewind, Start had to do with
You understand the benefits of connection-based communication architectures
You know that TSO TEST could not test everthing
You know that just because your manager wrote some code, that didn't make it
You know that AC(1) had nothing to do with room temperature
You know that Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detect is how a
token succeeds in life.
You know the relative merits of Count Key Data and Relative Block Addressing
You know that //EOJ is not a web address.
You know what IEFBR14 does and how many APARs were taken on it (4)
You now what an APAR is  (Authorized Program Analysis Report)
You know that DITTO is an acronym.   For DOS, no, not that DOS, the other
DOS.  (IBM Data Interfile Transfer, Testing, and Operations Utility).
You know that FS didn't take over from the mainframe, but became a pretty
good System/38.
You don't understand all the furor about security... it's a given
You think that two computers that can't share the same data for update is
silly and archaic
You know what Select Out Bypass is
You know that BUS and TAG aren't children's games
You know that SPIE and STAE are not commands for your pet
You know that SPIE is not espionage
You know that FETCH Protect isn't a way to keep your dog from getting to the
bone stash
You think that all systems should be able to run at 100% 24x7 without having
You know that 24x7x365 was coined by someone who didn't understand math
You don't find 6 months of continuous up-time without having to restart the
system as unusual
You don't "boot" a system, you IPL it
You don't know what throwing an exception means, but do know what an abend
code is about
You think that all the bits of a word should represent a numerical value the
same way it's written... high order on the left
You know the difference between single and multi-mode fibre cable and where
to use which
You can create a tape backup of something and know you can read it back on
another machine
You think nothing of sharing a database between transactional and batch
work, and maintiaining response time
Creating a 2 billion row operational, transactional database capable of
sustaining thousands of transactions per second doesn't even warrant a
raised eyebrow
You can state, with accuracy, how busy your machine is
You can tell who used what resources on your machine, and when
Somone says "sigh" and you think SIE
When something has a problem, you know documentation will be available to
solve that problem
You don't understand why other people in IT don't understand what an LPAR is
You think that OSA isn't a Japanese word
You understood the value of Token Ring
You know that FDDI is just Token Ring on glass
Your program don't track no steeenking rodent
You logON to a system, you don't logIN
You know how to find out what maintenance is on your system, definitively
If someone mentions BDAM, you know they're not swearing
You know your machine knew how to "phone home" way before E.T.
You can find data, because you know it's pointed to by a catalog
You know that GOO VOO is not part of a 50's "oldies" song
You remember when computers had lots of blinking lights, and know what they
You know what a "tape ape" is
You can explain the phrase "no ring, no write"
Virtualization is not a new term to you
You actually used report writer to write a report
You know that PTF's might come after your APAR.
You think you can fix the jam in the MFCM
If you remember the sequence PCP, MFT, MVT.
If you keep a FLOWCHARTING TEMPLATE (GX20-8020-2) in your desk drawer.
If you know that much of FORTRAN was writen in FORTRAN!!
If you know what the BOMB is that the CE picked up from the airport (core
memory tester- SIMM )
If you still carry a "HEX" TI calculator
You know how to "SUPERZAP"
You know what MIPS originally meant, and can explain why it doesn't mean
that today
You know that IEF, IEB, IDC, IEA aren't names of consulting firms
You don't think the reader is a newspaper
You know what green-bar is
You know that a data cell is not a jail for data... well, maybe
You don't think about running daily anti-virus scans, and still feel safe
You don't think of JECL as the other personality of Hyde
You know what packed decimal means
You can spell anything in eight characters
To you, COND EQUAL is not ambiguous
COND ONLY makes perfect sense
You know that Super Zap isn't a sports drink
You know what a VTOC is
You expect applications that fail to "clean up" after themselves
You know that IEHIBALL is not a computer utility
You know that MIDAW is not a medical remidy
Your remember MG sets and PCDUs
You think all computers belong on a raised floor
You've ever written a CCW string
You know what PCI code is
You remember belt-driven disk drives
You know DOS runs on a S/360, not on an Intel machine
You understand the relevance of Fredrick P. Brooks' essays
You know that PCP is an operating system, not a recreational pharmaceutical
You know what a puddle of oil on the floor next to your 2311 or 2314 meant
You think of a boot as half of a pair of footgear
You remember when your computer had an alarm bell or horn in it
You know what happened if the printer "tape" broke.
You know what a printer tape is
You know what happened when you forgot to put a punch in channel 12 on above
You know why not to put your cup of coffee (or other) on top of a 1403 printer
You know the history of JES2 and JES3 and why you were a JES2 or JES3 bigot.
You know that "bursting" is not an explosive result
You know what decollating is
You know that ASP is not a snake, and has nothing to do with the WWW
You know that HASP isn't something to keep the barn door closed
You know why VM programmers disliked MVS ( it had something to do with it
being harder to spell)
You knew what a "chad" was before the 2000 elections
You convinced your manager that there was an op code called "Eject Chad Box"
when said box spilled on the floor
You know why to punch sequence numbers in a card deck
You know what happens when someone tried to re-sequence  a deck after it was
dropped, not knowing there were several phases all having been punched with
the same sequence numbers
You know that command chaining was not a management technique to get more
work out of people
You know that POPS is neither a beverage or a frozen novelty
You know what a TNL is and how to inser one
You know that REXX is not your dog's name
You named your dog REXX
You thought nothing of running hundreds to thousands of time sharing users
on a 1MB system
You've replaced the typeball on a 1052 console with an APL one, just to
freak out the operators
You know what a rotate tape is
You know that being disabled for interrupts is not a handicap, unless you're
in a wait state
You know that a DERF bit is not a spongey play toy
Your computer has a real SILI bit
You think of bandwidth in terms of MegaBYTES and not Megabits
You know that OSA is not a strange Star Wars charcter trying to say something
You've spent hours arguing with your peers about the fastest way to clear a
You know where the GVRFLB (pronounced guver-flub) is located
You know that "The BLOB" is not a Sci-Fi monster
You know that MAS has nothing to do with religion, or your mother
You know that Replicate Imbed has nothing to do with sex
You've found yourself with friends singing songs extolling MVS or JES after
10:30 PM in a strange city
You really thought long and hard about naming your dog FICON
Your vanity plate says MIPS-R-US
A day at 90% utilization is just another (easy) day
You think that one TCP/IP stack is just not enough
You aspire to DIM
COBOL is not a foreign language for you
You know that USS reduced the void with "them"
You know what TCO is and what to do about it
You can chargeback
You don't think of SPECTRA as having anything to do with early spy movies
You remember GECOS
You can watch the highest priority work in your system get dispatched behind
the lowest and be way relaxed
Your CE is a trusted professional, not a toy operating system
You don't think twice about running OLTP and BI in the same database
You know that RISC means Really Important Stuff is in the Compiler
You think RISC is something to be minimized
You know that CISC means Crazy Instruction Set Cruncher (just kidding... but
we could start a rumor!)
It has never even occurred to you to run just ONE application on ONE machine
You know the difference between 3-tier logical and 3-tier physical
application architecture
You remember 1964 for the S/360 and not the Mustang
You know that NIP is not racially derogatory
You don't go to the Catalog to order items for the house
You use version control for a list like this
You thought that creating or reading this list was fun

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