Thanks, Glenn.

This is the same thing that I did, except that I established an
Automount policy to mount the HFS when it is referenced.  For the
simple case of managing the MVS root (Version) HFS, it looks like

/etc/auto.master contains this:

/service    /etc/

/etc/ looks like this:

name         *
type         HFS
filesystem   OMVS.<uc_name>.ROOT
mode         rdwr
duration     10
delay        10

Thus, when SMP/E references /service/ASR41Z/, Automount will
automatically mount OMVS.ASR41Z.ROOT at that mount point.  The
duration and delay specification of ten minutes each means that
the HFS will remain mounted for ten minutes regardless of access,
then after the initial ten minutes, the HFS will be unmounted
after it has not been referenced for ten minutes.

This part of it works beautifully, and it has the additional
advntage that I can't mount the wrong HFS at /service/ASR41Z/.
The problem is that Java is then expected to be mounted at
/service/ASR41Z/usr/lpp/java, but I can't use Automount to
manage that mount point, because Automount uses the lowest
level directory to build the HFS name.

My initial solution is to change my /etc/auto.master like this:

/service/mvs    /etc/
/service/java   /etc/

My /etc/service/map, as above is renamed to /etc/
and I have created /etc/, which looks the same,
except that the HFS that is mounted is OMVS.<uc_name>.JV390.
Now, when I service the ASR41Z target zone, I will mount
OMVS.ASR41Z.ROOT at /service/mvs/ASR41Z/ and
OMVS.ASR41Z.JV390 at /service/java/ASR41Z/.

I can change my path for JAVA to /service/java/ASR41Z/J1.4 and
everything works fine until AJVSCRPT is called to unwind the
tarball.  It fails, because it expects the J1.4 directory to
be at /service/java/ASR41Z/usr/lpp/java/J1.4.  My solution is
to create a /usr/lpp/java symbolic link in the Java HFS root so
that AJVSCRPT can find /service/java/ASR41Z/usr/lpp/java/J1.4.

Thanks agaib,
Tom Marchant

--- Glenn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We have
> four SYSRES volumes ( named: ASR41Z, ASR42Z, ASR43Z & ASR44Z ) that
> support
> these seven z/OS images.  Each z/OS R4 SYSRES volume may have a
> different
> 'maintenance level' applied to it.  Our preference is to apply our z/OS
> maintenance to
> these SYSRES volumes in numeric order, sometimes that is not possible. 
> So,
> we
> addressed this requirement by taking the '/service' concept one level
> further.  We created
> a second-level directory to the '/service' directory and added that
> second-level directory
> to the HFS DDDEFs within each Target Zone.  For example:
> ASR41Z  /service/ASR41Z/
> ASR42Z  /service/ASR42Z/
> ASR43Z  /service/ASR43Z/
> ASR44Z  /service/ASR44Z/
> The above structure allows me another way to cross check the DDDEFs in a
> Target Zone
> Glenn Miller

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