(Patrick O'Keefe) writes:
> Well, the N is "Network", not "Networking", but I don't think that 
> clarifies anything.   Lynn apparently has some very specific defibition
> of "Networking" in mind.   His comment may be accurate (His comments 
> usually are.) but I'm not sure what that comment really was.
> SNA does not have a universal addressing scheme and IP does.
> Perhaps that was the point.  But SNI provided that in sort of the 
> same way that NATing allows interconnection of 2 IP networks that
> use private IP addresses.
> SNA does not provide a universal name space for resources, but 
> neither does IP.   The Domain Name space used by IP hosts is
> not provided by, or dependent on IP.

re: VTAM security issue

it was the communication division ... not the networking division.

vtam/ncp (pu5/pu4) formed part of a communication hierarchy.

networking has tended to apply to talking to other peers ... it was the
source of my comment that only in situation where "network" had been
co-opt to apply to communication hierarchy that it was necessary to
qualify AWP39 networking architecture by "peer-to-peer networking

arpanet ... prior to great converstion to tcp/ip on 1jan83 ... had hosts
and network nodes (IMPS). The IMPS talked to other IMPS (network nodes)
... and they talked to attached devices (which happened to be hosts,
later there were also "terminal" IMPS). IMPS (network nodes) exchanged
information about what other IMPS (network nodes) they were connected to
... so it was possible to dynamically discover network nodes and paths
to network nodes and paths to connected devices/hosts.

The IMPS/host configuration had some physical similarity to pu4/pu5
... but the IMPS were full network nodes that managed the dynamic
network configuration and then forwarded communication to/from
destination hosts. At the time of the great change over ... there was
something like 100 IMPS (network nodes) and 255 (connected) HOSTs.

TCP/IP has both a network layer and an internetworking layer (gateways
and other conventions for supporting the internetworking of networks).
At the TCP/IP network layer there is ARP (address resolution protocol)
and ARP caches (dynamic maps of IP-addresses to "data link" ... if using
the OSI madel), as well as some maintenance/control gorp with ICMP
messages (redirects, not reachable, etc). These are networking
layer/node to networking layer/node

The great change-over to TCP/IP effectively merged the IMP function into
the hosts ... with hosts executing networking layer code and higher
layer code. It was possible to do (dynamic, networking layer) router
function in the hosts and/or custom "router" boxes. The "router" boxes
could also provide the gateway/internetworking function for
internetworking of networks.

the internal network ... some past posts mentioning internal network

originated at the science center (virtual machines, lots of interactive
computing, GML ... precursor to SGML, HTML, etc, lots of other stuff)
... some past posts mentioning science center

I've claimed that one of the reasons that the internal network (not SNA)
was larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until
sometime late 85 (or early 86) was that the prevailing internal
networking nodes contained a form of gateway function (significantly
easing the addition of nodes in different parts of the network)
... which arpanet/internet didn't get until the 1jan83 great

We were in a booth at interop88 ... but not the ibm booth ... and
starting late sunday night before the start of the show ... the (four)
floor nets started crashing ... this continued into the wee hours of
monday morning before being diagnosed and corrected. The problem was
that a large number of nodes (lots & lots of workstations) had
connections to all four floor nets ... and all had "ip-forwarding"
turned on by default (router function). Any ARP request was
automagically being rebroadcast by nearly all nodes on all networks
... which led to ARP storms. In the wake of interop88 ... RFC1122 (IETF
internet standard) specified that IP-forwarding should be turned off by

my internet standard index

summary entry for 1122
1122  S

Requirements for Internet hosts - communication layers, Braden R.,
1989/10/01 (116pp) (.txt=289148) (STD-3) (Updated by 4379) (See Also


misc. past posts mentioning interop88

TCP/IP is the technology basis for the modern internet, NSFNET backbone
was the operational basis for the modern internet, and CIX was the
business basis for the modern internet. some number of past posts
mentioning NSFNET backbone
and old email related to NSFNET backbone activity

Note that the domain name system provides a separate naming indirection
that rides on-top and independent of tcp/ip (for things like URL/domain
name to IP-address mapping). For a little archeological folklore, the
person originally responsible for the domain name system did a stint at
the science center in the early 70s. other old archeological references: Mockapetris agrees w/Lynn on DNS 
security - (April Fool's day??) Mockapetris agrees w/Lynn on DNS 
security - (April Fool's day??) DNS inventor says cure to net 
identity problems is right under our nose Online Bill Payment Website Hijacked 
- Users were redirected The Internet's 100 Oldest Dot-Com 

NAT (network address translation) ... is a gateway/router "add-on"
function ... which at network(ing) gateway boundary remaps traffic IP
addresses. The router will take an internal networking address ... like
a 10-net ... and remap it to appear as if it is coming from the router's
internet/gateway IP-address. NAT'ing requires that the gateway router
keep track of the mapping of internal ip-addresses to (internet)
sessions using its own address ... in order to correctly rewrite the ip
header address i.e. potentially a large number of differen tinternal
IP-addresses has been modified to appear as if it is coming from the
same router/gateway internet ip-address. Returning traffic will all be
directly addressed to that router/gateway internet ip-address and needs
to be correctly re-addressed for forwarding to the appropriate
destination (the router needs to keep lots of administrative gorp to be
able to correctly re-address & forward incoming, returning traffic).

from my IETF internet standards index:

click on "Term (term->RFC#)" in the "RFCs listed by" section. Then
click on "NAT" in the "Acronym fastpath"

network address translation
 5555 5508 5389 5382 5207 5135 5128 4966 4787 4380 4008 3947 3715
 3519 3489 3424 3235 3105 3104 3103 3102 3027 3022 2993 2766 2709
 2694 2663 2428 2391 1631 

in the index, "clicking" on the RFC number brings up the summary
in the lower index. "clicking" on the ".txt=nnn" field in a summary
entry retrieves that actual RFC.

NOTE that NAT'ing is similar ... but different to VPN (virtual private
network) implementation.

In the early 80s, I started a project I called HSDT ... some past posts

and we were running T1 & higher speed backbone links. HSDT was also
getting some custom built hardware to spec. ... some from overseas.

In the mid-80s, somebody in the communication division announced a new
internal communication discussion group (on the internal network)
... the announcement went out on Friday before I was to take a trip to
the other side of the pacific and included the following definitions:

low-speed               <9.6kbits
medium-speed            19.2kbits
high-speed              56kbits
very high-speed         1.5mbits

the following morning, on a conference wall on the other side of the
pacific was:

low-speed               <20mbits
medium-speed            100mbits
high-speed              200-300mbits
very high-speed         >600mbits

As indicated in the NSFNET related email ... we had been working with
NSF on getting a NSFNET backbone with at least T1 links (since we could
point to HSDT operational internal links at T1 and higher speeds).

One of the other differences between the internal network and the
"internet" was that corporate required encryption on all links leaving
corporate premise. This was a real hassle for some links at various
places around the world ... especially when the connected corporate
locations in different countries. In any case, at some point in the
mid-80s, there was a comment that the internal network had over half of
all the link encryptors in the world. One of the issues in HSDT was at
the time, it was fairly straight-forward to get link encryptors for
56kbit and slower speed links. It became increasingly difficult to get
link encryptors that ran at T1 and higher speeds. At one point, I got
involved in designing our own encryption hardware for HSDT.

For other archeological topic drift ... when we were doing ha/cmp
product ...  some past posts

one of the transparent fall-over strategies was to do ip-address
take-over (aka the take-over box acquires the ip-address of the failed
box). we found a bug in the most comingly deployed tcp/ip code (large
number of vendors were using BSD TCP/IP 4.3 TAHOE or RENO). Normally the
ARP code requires that the ARP cache entries be periodically timed-out
and be forced to be refreshed (which our ip-address "take-over" function
was dependent on). However, BSD 4.3 TAHOE/RENO had a "bug" in how ARP
entries might work under specific conditions and an ARP entry would
never time-out (defeating HA/CMP fall-over attempt to do ip-address
take-over). We had to come-up with a kludge work-around for the bug
... that would trick clients into doing ARP entry refresh
(i.e. ip/network address to physical address).

40+yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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