Edward Jaffe pisze:
R.S. wrote:
It is also worth to mention that IBM is the only company which is not try to "catch" the customer. I read several horror stories on this forum, on ISVcosts list, from own experience - almost any other company presents license agreements that HAVE to be negotiated. Only IBM's license agreemenst are let's say FAIR. No excessive costs of upgrade, S&S, etc.
BTW: I didn't say 'CA' <g>

You're statements that: "IBM is the only company which is not try to 'catch' the customer" and "Only IBM's license agreemenst are let's say FAIR" [SIC]--which I will paraphrase, since you are a non-native English speaker, to mean: "IBM is the only honest mainframe software company" are highly insulting and patently false.

You might have read so-called "horror" stories. And, you might have your own anecdotal negative experiences. But, I know for an ABSOLUTE FACT you are NOT a customer of Phoenix Software International. Your assertions, therefore, should not and cannot apply to us or any other software providers with whom you do not do business. (I suspect there are *dozens* of them--some who freely contribute their time and expertise to this list!)

Your statements are unfair, inaccurate, subjective opinion presented as fact, and ought to be recanted...

I recant.
I shouldn't say that IBM is the only honest company. That should be "the only honest company *I know* ". This statement does not preclude other companies.

Obviously I didn't mean PSI, because I had nothing to do with this company. However *every* ISV's license agreement I met needed negotiation. Not only for the price, but first of all terms and conditions. Sometimes it was small change, but sometimes not.

Last but not least: ISV *technical* employees usually are not responsible for marketing model of the company they work for.
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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