On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:37:52 -0400, Rob Schramm wrote:

>On the issue of the parm length.. why not just create something new.
>Sometimes retrofitting is just not practical.  I vote
>but probably a lot easier to implement.  Of course I am probably
>oversimplifying.  Kind of like how they handled 3 digit to 4 digit UCB..
>didn't really retrofit.. just made something new.
I'd be quite satisfied with this _provided_ it was compatible
with the existing CALL, LINK, ATTACH, etc. argument lists.
I.e. on program entry R1 points to a fullword which points
to a halfword containing the length of the PARMX followed
by the PARMX string.

(And that symbol substitution would work within PARMX.)

But how would this facilitate implementation?

-- gil

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