Peter Thanks for the correction - looks like I missed a trick when reading the manual.
I think your paragraph.. "-- If you indicate 64-bit high halves are present, length must be 212 -- else if you indicate ARs are present, length must be 148 -- else if you indicate GPRs are present, length must be 84 -- else if you indicate control reg values are present, length must be 20 -- else if you indicate PSW is present, length must be 12 -- else (nothing indicated) length must be 4" ..would be worthy of inclusion in the manual as it makes things much clearer to the reader. Rob Scott Developer Rocket Software 275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA Tel: +1.617.614.2305 Email: Web: -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of Peter Relson Sent: 02 October 2009 13:34 To: Subject: Re: SDUMPX and Regs at Time of Dump Rob Scott wrote: I believe that the construction of the PSWREGS plist is cumulative (data that you indicate via bit settings is not supplied is omitted rather than being set to hex-zeros) - so if you just want the PSW+GPS then you need to adjust the length to be 76 bytes and NOT include the control regs field that sits between the PSW and GPRs. Rob, you're partly right. The area is always mapped the same, the only point of differentiation is the "bits" that indicate whether you have or have not provided information within the bytes for that particular information (as indicated by the bits near the beginning of the area). But you don't omit "middle" fields as that would change the mapping.. -- If you indicate 64-bit high halves are present, length must be 212 -- else if you indicate ARs are present, length must be 148 -- else if you indicate GPRs are present, length must be 84 -- else if you indicate control reg values are present, length must be 20 -- else if you indicate PSW is present, length must be 12 -- else (nothing indicated) length must be 4 (I'm not sure why the code doesn't implement "must be >=" rather than "must be") So if you specify nothing, your length must be 4. Of course that's not useful, so here the right thing to do would likely either be -- provide 84 bytes and indicate GPRs are present (and optionally if PSW and/or CRs are present) and provide the GPR data -- provide 148 bytes and indicates ARs are present and provide the AR data, and indicate the GPRs are present and provide the GPR data and optionally PSW / CR data Peter Relson z/OS Core Technology Design ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at