Gerhard Postpischil pisze:
Eric Chevalier wrote:
Out of curiosity, why would the developer want hardcopy of the
Principles of Operation when it can be downloaded for free as a PDF?

1) It's easier to take hardcopy to the bathroom, and it has all these chapters you'll never read anyway, just in case.

2) It's faster to flip back and forth among bookmarked pages in hardcopy than on screen

3) It makes a great doorstop

4) Recreational reading of hardcopy produces significantly less neck strain than viewing a screen

5) It can be read even when there is bright sunlight in your room

That's why we have smart device called PRINTER. It can print on both sides of paper, then I can bind the pages and have a book. It takes significantly less time than ordering process in IBM. Of course it's much cheaper.

Ad5: we have venetian blinds (louvres).
Ad4: My monitor have an adjustment and it is set up to be comfortable to my neck and backbone. Ad3: except for commercial products there are bricks or cheaper books (maybe already no longer needed). Ad2: It depends. I strongly prefer Bookreader for browsing, while "sequential reading" is better (for me) in paper form.
Ad1: Notebook and redundant roll ;-)

My $0.02
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 0000025237
NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2009 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci 
wpacony) wynosi 118.763.528 zotych. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchway XXI WZ z dnia 16 marca 
2008r., oraz uchway XVI NWZ z dnia 27 padziernika 2008r., moe ulec 
podwyszeniu do kwoty 123.763.528 z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym 
BRE Banku SA bd w caoci opacone.

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