Steve Comstock wrote:
[replying to myself to fix my typo]
Edward E. Jaffe wrote:
Art Celestini wrote:
FWIW, I frequently use MVCIN to place eyecatchers in data structures
to avoid false hits if and when it becomes necessary to search through
a dump for the structure. For example:
MVCIN XxwaEye,=C'AWXX'+3 Put C'XXWA' in eyecatcher field
I usually do something like MVC Eye,=C'xxwa' followed by OC Eye,=CL4'
'. I like your technique better!
I don't get it, though. why
MVCIN xxwaeye,=c'AXXX'+3
MVCIN xxwaeye,=c'AWXX'+3
instead of
MVC xxwaeye,=C'XXWA'
Or why do your two-step approach?
[Of course, I _never_ user literals:
always labeled constants, but I'm
curious about these techniques.]
Kind regards,
-Steve Comstock
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