It's not new news around IBM-MAIN but I stumbled on this note in the WSC
library which says the same thing Ed has said for many years about
letting go of the real 3270 screen geometries.  It might be useful to
help convince others in your organization that this is really a good

Thanks, Sam

Document Author:Louis Wilen
Additional Author(s):John Hutchinson     
Document ID: TD102151
Doc. Organization: Washington Systems Center
Document Revised:       01/24/2005
Product(s) covered: Communications Server for OS/390; Communications
Server for z/OS; VTAM; zSeries; z/OS                     

Abstract: Creating dynamic 3270 screen size definitions for increased

Legacy IBM 3278 display stations (which many newer users have never
seen) were available in several models, with each model supporting one
or more fixed screen dimensions. The dimensions that were typically
supported are 24x80 (model 2), 32x80 (model 3), 43x80 (model 4), and
27x132 (model 5, which could also be switched to model 2 mode).
Workstation-based emulators such as IBM Personal Communications (PCOM)
do not have the hardware limitations of real 3278 display stations, and
can therefore be configured for more productive screen sizes, such as
50x132. A screen dimension of 50x132 is particularly valuable when using
today's larger monitors, which are typically 17 inches or larger when
measured diagonally. 
Screen dimensions of 50x132 can be easily enabled by following these
1.      Create a PCOM session and verify that you are able to access and
log on to your z/OS system. Exit the PCOM session. 
2.      Use any common text editor, such as notepad, to edit the PCOM
profile (the .WS file) that has been created for your session. The .WS
file is normally located in the directory C:\Documents and
Settings\<your windows username>\Application Data\IBM\Personal
Communications\<profilename>.WS, where the items in <> are unique to
your workstation. Depending upon the text editor that you use, you may
need to temporarily rename the .WS file to another filename with a
suffix such as .txt to allowing editing. 
3.      The .WS file will contain data similar to the following:
DefaultKeyboard=C:\Documents and Settings\Someuser\Application
Data\IBM\Personal Communications\kb.kmp
VTCaptureLogFileName=C:\Documents and Settings\Someuser\My
BaseColorNormalProtected=5BECE9 000000
ExtendedColorBlue=58F0F0 000000 
4.      Change the ScreenSize entry to a value of your choice, such as
50x132. For example:
5.      Save the updated .WS file. Rename (if necessary) the .WS file
back to its original name. 
6.      Start PCOM in the usual way. 
7.      Log on to your z/OS system, specifying the LOGMODE of D4C32XX3.
For example:


Notes: The example shown above may not be applicable for your z/OS
system. You may need to specify the APPLID and LOGMODE using another
format, depending upon how your VTAM programmer defined the possible
logon formats. Your systems programmer or VTAM programmer should be able
to quickly tell you the appropriate format for your system. 

The D4C32XX3 logmode is the dynamic logmode. If this logmode is not
defined on your system, your systems programmer or VTAM support person
will need to add this logmode to the logmode table. 
8.      Log on to TSO in the usual manner, then select ISPF option 0
9.      On the ISPF Settings screen, set the Screen format value to 3
(Max). The Terminal Type value would typically be set to 4 (3278A),
although many other values are acceptable. These settings are retained
across TSO sessions and will not need to be set again. 
10.     TSO applications will now automatically use the larger screen
size whenever needed. For example, SDSF will display spool files in
their full
width of 132 characters while displaying nearly 50 lines of the file. 

Note: If desired, the systems programmer or VTAM programmer can change
the default logmode for any application to D4C32XX3 so that users do not
have enter the logmode explicitly as shown in step 7. Adding the entry
TELNETDEVICE DYNAMIC ,D4C32XX3 to the TCP/IP profile (normally in
SYS1.TCPPARMS(PROFILEx) ), along with other installation specific VTAM
definition changes, will allow the D4C32XX3 logmode to be the default
logmode for TN3270 sessions. (Ordinary SNA sessions through other
transports do not require modifications to the TCP/IP profile.)         

Category:Installation and Migration
Platform(s): IBM eServer zSeries         
S/W Pillar(s):zSeries   
O/S:OS/390; z/OS         
Keywords:3270, 3278, pcomm, personal, communications, green, screen,
workstation, pc


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