>What I sometimes find -- and not just in Korea -- is that the term
"transactions" has different meanings depending on whom you're talking to.
>The business users and managers tend to think of measurements like card
swipes, purchases, etc. -- the direct business metrics.
>However, the IT staff tend to think of "number of CICS transactions" and/or 
>"number of database updates," to pick two examples.

That is a common issue across the board.
I've run into it many times in the almost 30 years I've been a capacity analyst.
At the last company I worked at the business worried about invoices/orders 
(86,000/day) and IT worried about CICS transactions (70M/day).
I had to do a lot of work to get them to relate to each other, and to point out 
that daily volumes were not totally related to peak volumes.
The latter was a herculean task.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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