I'm not sure why the jubilation.  Sure, Neon is in business
to make money.  They're trying to do so by offering IBM's
customers a way to save money.  Whether it's legal or not
is for the courts to decide; they haven't rendered that
decision yet.  Until then, in the interest of their pocketbooks,
pragmatic customers should be rooting for Neon.


Neon has been sort of a loose cannon in the business for quite some time.

My memory is not fresh on this but here it goes.

15+ years ago we were looking at a package (details dim sorry).
One of the  options that we looked at was a NEON product.
We called and arranged to have a demo tape shipped.
I installed it (with issues).
As I went through the install I made notes on issues.
After I got it installed I tried it out on some items and it did have issues 
which I did call NEON on.
I did not get answers. I called back on the install issues and got a "who cares 
attitude" which did not go down well with me.
We let the users try it out and they ran into problems and I called support and 
got another run around and after some pushing
they said something like well of course it didn't work that way and it is not 
suppose to. I looked at the manual while we were talking and I saw the example 
the user tried and it looked the same to me. I asked them what about the 
example on page xx isn't that the same? Then I got back an answer that 
surprised me something to the effect that the documentation wasn't right.

After I got off the phone I wrote a 3 page memo to the boss outlining the 
issues I had with the product and the users issues (at least the ones I was 
told about). I shipped it off to my boss and cc'd the manager of the group the 
product that was testing it.

I guess my boss talked to NEON and then to the (other) manager and sent out an 
email that I was to de-install it and ship the product back. A few days later 
we get a phone call from a sales type at Neon and he was well lets say less 
than happy we did not want to buy the product and a few choice sentences.

All in all not a good experience with Neon. They may have changed since then I 
do not know as They were scratched off of the list of vendors  to do business 


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