In <>, on
   at 10:26 AM, George Henke <> said:

>Here is what I thought was a dumb question until someone posed it to me

>Why have a separate QA LPAR and not just leave QA in the DEV LPAR?

Do you freeze DEV when doing QA on a new release of the operating system?
If not, then you need both.

>Can't MVS (z/OS) handle it?

Handle what? Multiple release and service levels? Separation of DASD?

>Why replicate the z/OS operating system a gazillion times when z/OS
>already has everything needed.

Needed for what?

>I know single point of failure at all that jazz, but then what do we
>have a DR box for anyway?

Hint; what does the D stand for?

>If it were really my money I was playing with, would I have sooooooo
>many LPARs just for neatness or so-called integrity, control, apple pie,
>and motherhood?

That's a question that only you can answer. It's not my dog. 

>But that cannot be achieved with a single instance of z/OS, a software
>sandbox, and a DR box?

If you never install service or upgrade.

>Don't we already logically separate DEV, TEST, UAT, and PROD in separate
>CICSes, DB2s, etc.

To some extent.

>These are hard questions like, "Is the emperor really wearing

No, they are loaded questions like "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     ISO position; see <> 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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