On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:53:34 -0600, Wilkins, Mike 
<mike.wilk...@bestbuy.com> wrote:

>By the way, you did an excellent job researching this, and, have the
>aptitude for this type of work.  You mentioned that you're not in the
>Storage Admin group.  What group are you in?
Thanks, I just an old time general MVS systems programmer.  The weather 
was bad over the weekend and I couldn't take the bike out, so I researched 
this instead.  Currently working in a very small shop after spending time in 
of the largest - another retailer you probably have heard about :-) 

Back to the topic at hand.  

Yesterday I noticed that when we create our FDR ABRINIT datasets, the job 
contains a STORCLAS keyword that, at least here, is always set to the 
STORGRP that the volume is being added to.  When we are ready to actually 
delete some of the STORCLAS-es will we need to modify our FDR ABRINIT 
datasets.  We have more STORCLASes then STORGRPs; some STORGRPs have 
mulitple STORCLASes pointed to them and always includes the STORCLAS that 
matches the STORGRP name.


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