The things I liked in Xedit include, being able to split the screen vertically and more than two screens visible. Being able to change the whole layout of the screen (do you remember the EDGAR compatiblity exec?) - you have control of where the prefix area is (left or right; how many characters; numeric/line- numbers or characters), where the command area is, what the title is, etc.
The concept of the current line - in original/default Xedit, the center line was a column indicator (like the COLS prefix command), but it stayed in the middle of the screen, and line under it was the current line (it kind of set the context). Xedit was/is powerful enough to be the display manager (look at FILELIST). I would like ISPF to have the ability to trap and display TPUTs and interact with the user in real-time (not just wait until the command is finished with OUTTRAP). Please make TSO/Pipelines standard with z/OS (I don't care about Batch/Pipelines myself). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at