Scott T. Harder
Mainframe Services, Inc.
Naples, FL

> The Dallas system is less expensive than a P390 (or Flex-ES) was. 

Yeah... That's the other thing (or, another in a long line of things) that 
doesn't make sense to me about this.  They (IBM) seem to be throwing the baby 
out with the bath water with regards to the awesome deal they give on the 
Dallas thing.  It *must* be costing them a ton of money, no?  I just 
incorporated myself recently and so my stated experience with FLEX and the P390 
was with a company that I worked for before that *could* afford them.

> The zPDT is the logical successor to the P390, but frankly it too will be > 
> more expensive than using the Dallas system.

Right.  Is this to become GA in the US?  32- and 64-bit versions?


All the best,

Scott T. Harder
Mainframe Services, Inc.
Naples, FL

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