Hi, This is actually able to be accomplished in several ways. You can use a program like CMDLGOFF on file 416 of the CBT tape, or, (even easier), you can set up the "logon" rexx exec (the parm on the execute statement of the logon proc) to have the following: (this example lets a user into VPS's VMCF option only, if they exit it in any way, it logs them off)
signal on novalue signal on halt "ispfallo" [this is your normal ispprof allocation clist/rexx stuff)] "ISPSTART PGM(VM81ISPF) NEWAPPL(VMCF) PARM(SRV(VSV))" [load them to VMCF] halt: "LOGOFF" exit pretty simple, and it works, which makes it even better. You can also use the STACK command (or one like it) from the CBT tape, but I think the example above is better because it's simple and effective. Brian Westerman ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html