I think Clark Morris is talking about the COBOL-based EGL run-time and the
Enterprise COBOL compiler, not Language Environment. And sure, if you're
not running EGL using the COBOL-based run-time option you don't need to
license those two products....

....But you would need to license something else, such as WebSphere
Application Server, and with more capacity, some of which could be zAAP.
How that comparison washes out is highly situational and varies, but isn't
choice nice?

IBM offers two options for running EGL on z/OS because both are excellent,
and in different situations one or the other (or a combination of both) may
be a better choice in your particular circumstances. Sit down with somebody
familiar with the latest versions, your requirements, run at least some
basic tests if you can, and develop two or three reasonably comprehensive
business cases to compare those options. Some business cases favor the
COBOL-based run-time, and some business cases favor the Java-based
run-time. Choice is good!

By the way, you can also run EGL on z/VSE: IBM offers a COBOL-based EGL
run-time there, too.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
Resident Enterprise Architect
STG Value Creation & Complex Deals Team
IBM Growth Markets (Based in Singapore)
E-Mail: timothy.sipp...@us.ibm.com
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