On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 17:36:47 -0600, Roger Bolan wrote:
>If what you want is to take a PDS, move it through the network with FTP,
>through non-MVS systems, and back to a PDS on another MVS system, I always
>find that the safest and most reliable way to do that is to TERSE the
>original PDS, then use binary mode FTP for all hops in the move, and then
>unterse it back into a PDS at the final system.   This preserves all the DCB
>attributes and simplifies the FTP commands needed.   The only thing to watch
>out for is that when you unterse it directly to a PDS, you have to remember
>to specify directory blocks when allocating the output PDS.
Bummer.  Won't TRANSMIT/RECEIVE automate this for you?  (How would
you unterse to a PDS except "directly"?  -- or are you thinking
of IEBCOPY unload; TERSE; FTP; unTERSE; IEBCOPY load?)

>                                                        ...   If you are
>doing FTP from the MVS to get the tersed file, you need commands like
>LOCSITE recfm=fb lrecl=1024 cylinders primary=100 secondary=10 blksize=0
FTP your TRANSMIT unloaded file to a UNIX file.  This spares you
all the allocation mickeymouse.  You can RECEIVE directly from
an allocated UNIX file with the RECEIVE INDD form.

-- gil

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