Lizette Koehler wrote:

>I got a question from one of my co workers on why his job abended with an
S822 Reason=00000014

>The job have over 200 steps running mostly DB2 Tools from CA.  There is no
region size on the jobcard.  Each step (except the one that got the S822)
has a REGION=0M

Why? As documented, JOB REGION (if specified) overrides any STEP REGION 
value. Or the default in JES2 and/or USI applies. Specify your REGION only on 
JOB card.

>The step that got the S822 is a one line IEFBR14 step.

Something BEFORE that step surely messed up the total address space 
allocation of memory. Basically the INITIATOR can't complete its work BEFORE 
giving control to IEFBR14.

>Our default region size is problem 1M.

Where is the default coming from? JES2 or USI?

>I am thinking with the changes to IEFBR14 for z/OS V1.11 (we are coming off
z/OS V1.9)  that we just need to add a region size to this step.

What changes? My searches on z/OS Library at IBM turned up empty, except 
that new HDEL enhancement.

IEFBR14 does NOT allocate any memory/storage. It only set a return code and 
give control back to the system.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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