IEFACTRT can use a system routine (IEFYS?) - usually link edited
in - to write to the messages data set (where the COND CODE is)
without having to worry about WTO routing codes and SYSLOG
or console effects.  That's what most "flower boxes" use.

Many places use IEFACTRT to issue WTO messages reporting the
step completion results for job log and/or syslog reference.

After the demise of the "I/O count zap" usermod I resorted to using
IEFU83 to trap SMF type 14/15/64 records to report EXCP counts
against each data set.  Without the ability to use IEFYS in this exit
I had to use WTO with ROUTCDE=11 to get the info to the messages
data set.

I did not want all batch data set activity logged to the syslog, or
even reported in the job's own job log.

Fortunately, though IBM taketh away it also giveth.  OCO prevented (for
practical purposes) an updated I/O count zap hack but MPF had been

So, a few simple bit switching MPF exits allowed the messages issued by
my IEFU83 to show up in the messages data set without clogging up
the job log, syslog, or console(s).  The same could be done for any
WTO messages from anywhere (given known message ids).

The messages also go to the Master Trace Table if that is a consideration
for anyone.  It wasn't for me.  In fact it provided a nice place for me to
observe how many messages my exit was producing system-wide.


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