On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 13:35:15 +0000, john gilmore <john_w_gilm...@msn.com> wrote:

>Mark Zelden wrote:
><begin snippet>
>Huh? 3 levels are supported and have been. At least for a short time before
the older one goes unsupported (or if you pay for one of the extended
support offerings). How would one ever get a new release into production via
rolling IPLs if it weren't (ever hear of parallel sysplex and 24 x 7
availability)? Of course I'm kidding with that last comment, but perhaps you
really didn't realize . . .
><end snippet>
>I did realize, and I am unrepentent.
>On the net it is now frequently appropriate to cite multiple authorities
for an observation that the earth is an oblate spheroid, and I should thus
perhaps have noted explicitly that appropriate sandbox-testing regimes must
be in place; but I have recently been dismayed to observe (in more than one
shop) the extent to which the new-release installation process has been
gratuitously bureaucratized and greatly extended in time.  Thoughtful
processes conducted by competent sysprogs have been replaced by rule-bound,
mechanically administered schemes excecutecd by clerks.
>Moreover, these new schemes have been ineffectual.  Problems have not been
eliminated or even reduced.  (I have the impression that there are more
problems, but I cannot prove this: my impression may be an artefact of their
very slow, because also bureaucratized, diagnosis and resolution.)

I'm not sure what your point is exactly here.  Are you trying to say that
testing in sandboxes or upgrading less critical production systems 
prior to the most critical ones as a way of testing has no value?

>In my judgment anyway, the presence of even two and certainly of three
different levels of JES2 in the same MAS is 1) avoidable and 2) desirably
avoided without compromising 24/7 availability, etc., etc.

Judgment has nothing to do with your statements.  They are just plain

1)  Only avoidable with a complete outage or if you are willing to upgrade all
your sharing systems at the same time (which of course would be an

2) Desired, perhaps, but impossible unless you know some way to upgrade the
OS and JES2 on all systems simultaneously without an IPL.  Some shops
only get 1 or 2 opportunities a year to even do that. 

I'm not going to debate this any further after this post, but with all respect,
you are completely off base and uniformed.   IBM spends a lot of time, effort
and dollars in making sure this platform can be upgraded non-disruptively
by ensuring multiple releases can happily co-exist together in the same
sysplex and that upgrades or major changes can be implemented with
"rolling IPLs".


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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