> Hey, I'm a coder, not a sysprog. > > I'm writing documentation for a product that a customer would normally > run > automatically as an STC at every IPL. What do I say in the manual about > where to place the START command? Where would this command go? It > probably > wants to be run fairly late in the IPL after most other subsystems are > up. > > Place the command START FOO in _____? > > I'm looking at the documentation for COMMNDxx and IEACMD00 in Init & > Tuning. > COMMNDxx looks like it gets processed too early in the game and > IEACMD00 is > documented as being for IBM-supplied commands only but there is no > cross-reference to where else to put a START command. >
Charles, It will sometimes depend on Dependencies. If it requires something like TCPIP to be up before the product FOO. Then it needs to be documented that way. At my shop we use OPS/MVS so I can have things come up where needed in an IPL. I do not think you should limit your users to a specific process. You just need to indicate where it needs to go (after TCPIP is up, After JES2 is up, before Vtam is up) and let your customers determine how best to do that. Many shops today have automation tools, either OPS/MVS, Tivoli, etc... So if you restrict your document to say COMMNDxx, or IEACMDxx. Then your readers might not realize the tools they have in shop could manage the startup. Some shops even use JES parms ($VS in the INIT deck) to kick off tasks after JES2 is initiated. As a customer, I prefer a vendor to tell me what has to be up prior to starting the Task. That way I can choose the mechanism. Lizette ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html