On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 12:39:06 -0500, John McKown wrote:
>Do you mean IBN's Tech Support, or a company's? I ask because one of my
>duties in Tech Support is to question why something is "done that way".
>And suggest / recommend possible, more efficient, alternatives.
So we have tech support, help desk, and you suggest a third function,
that of monitoring/auditing resource use and suggesting improvements
to programmers with inordinate resource use, even if they are satisfied
with the current results and their departments have no objection to
any chargeback.

But if a programmer is working on a one-shot which in its one execution
will use $100 of computing resources, suggesting a refactoring which
will run for $10 in resources is counterproductive.  OTOH, if the
programmer encounters a facility which fails to work as documented
and must experiment to discover which few among many documented
techniques actually work, there is a greater waste of resource.

So, I wonder, do SLAs generally require suppliers to repair all
reported defects, regardless how inconsequential, provided only that
the functional specification violation is undisputed?  It might be
reasonable for tech support to sometimes be able to respond, "Don't
you really think that's just a SEV 4?"

-- gil

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