Before I talk to SAS thought to cross post here..

I am exploiting mailing service using SAS however on particular lpar only 
it seems to be not working ..below is my JCL.

//SENDMAIL  EXEC SASMSTR,                                           
// OPTIONS='EMAILSYS=SMTP'                  
//SYSIN  DD  *                                                      
 Filename emp email                                                 
 Attach ='xxxxx.TEMPFTP.TEXT';                                    
 Data _Null_         ;                                              
 File emp;                                                          
 put   ;                                                            

I have checked the SMTP Mailer address in SMTP Config
EZA5348I IP Mailer Address              :  ==same as used 
in job.

I get below error :- 

ERROR: Unable to connect to SMTP server.                                   
ERROR: Unable to connect to SMTP server.                                   
ERROR: Unable to connect to SMTP server.                                   
ERROR: inet_addr failed, cannot convert address 'LOCALHOST'.               
ERROR: inet_addr failed, cannot convert address 'LOCALHOST'.               
ERROR: inet_addr failed, cannot convert address 'LOCALHOST'.               

Now not able to crack it down to find why it's not able to resolve the SMTP 
mailing server address...

One of the diagnostic step I took was to start the packet trace on address 
= and port 25(smtp) however seems my job when ran could not 
even hit this hence nothing was captured in the Packet tracing...

Does anyone has any kind of thought or ideas to crack it down ...Thanks

Note ** I have searched in archive and also cross post to tcp forum ** also 
did google however when listed doesn't match with solution for me **

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