On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 09:14:34 -0500, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:
>Yes. They've completely redone things, in a manner that makes life
>harder than it need to be. Everything is Unix based, and their
>deployment manager is web[1] based. If you want to order electronic
>delivery, involve your network folks early on so that they can deploy
>any needed proxies or servers.
Proxies and stuff are often mandated for "security" reasons.
Often this is attacking the perceived problem in the wrong
place: erecting a firewall because the weaknesses in Windows
aren't repaired and can't be avoided except by embargo.

>[1] I've suggested making it available via FTP; it might be worth
>    checking whether they have done so.
Nowadays the venerable FTP may be so far under the radar as not
to be considered in the security design.  Often HTTP clients launch
.exe files automatically; FTP clients don't.  (Unless the FTP
client is a web browser.)

-- gil

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