1) DELETE 'CICSPROD.CICS.UBSP.DFHTEMP.OLD' NSCR 2) LISTC ENT('CICSPROD.CICS.UBSP.DFHTEMP.OLD' VOLUME 2) For each possible volume run a VTOC list. DELETE ' CICSPROD.CICS.UBSP.DFHTEMP.OLD.xxxx' VVR FILE(DD1) for each component of the cluster listed. DD1 should point to the volume containing the component. 3) Repeat step 2 for all relevant components on the volume, 4) EXAMINE/DIAGNOSE the catalog to look for other affected files 5) Repeat steps 1-3 for each affected file.
HTH, <snip> I am trying to delete a multi-volume VSAM dataset. I receive the following error: DATA SET CICSPROD.CICS.UBSP.DFHTEMP.OLD NOT ALLOCATED, VOLUME NOT AVAILABLE VOLUME NECESSARY TO SATISFY YOUR REQUEST NOT ON SYSTEM, AND CANNOT BE MOUNTED ** ENTRY CICSPROD.CICS.UBSP.DFHTEMP.OLD NOT DELETED >From what the user told me that the dsn used to span 3 volumes and the 2 of >the dasds have been reused. He doesn't remember to volume names. Is there a >way of deleting the dsn without having to re-init the 2 volumes (if I do find >out the names)? I did a LISTCAT of the dsn to see if the volsers were still >available but I was unsuccessful : IDC3014I CATALOG ERROR IDC3009I ** VSAM CATALOG RETURN CODE IS 50 - REASON CODE IS IGG0CLE3-5 </snip> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html