Morning! (or afternoon! or evening!)

I am thinking about bumping up the region limit in IEFUSI for all users -
we are 11mb below the line and 32mb above - unless it's a CICS region or a
few other exceptions.

Convincing one of our team is an issue.  He feels if this was good enough
for the last 10y then it should stay this way - anybody that needs more is
writing bad code.

My take is that memory objects are not getting smaller. That bumping the
max region up will not affect the way old work consumes system resource but
will reduce rerun rates and redesign due to an artificially low limit.

So - quick survey - what are your thoughts on this?

And what king of limits are you folk using in medium to large zOS images
(in the order of dozens of GB central and thousands of MIPS).

Also - is there a REXX exec or direct way to diplay the REGION limit for
various components? I tried Mark Zeldons MEMLIM but get all 0's ?

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