
Try to combine from "all" the possible sources into some common "event" log
For me an event :
- an abend with or without Fault Analyzer
- a LOGREC software  record
- maybe an SMF job/step termination record
- some OPERLOG messages
- RACF SMF error records
(maybe some more)

I would like to generate this "event" log as HTML site, and every line in the event log could have
a link to the detailed information or message explanation.
Of course I know it would never be perfect, and not the IBM nor the vendors follow some common way about message formats , diagnostic etc etc But to combine this information's into a common "event" log maybe could help in some cases.

On 1/11/2011 3:29 PM, Lizette Koehler wrote:
   It is maybe to general, but I'm looking for a tool/method/procedure to
collect all the
possible diagnostic information's, if a software error/abend occurs in a
   Try to check IBM Fault Analyzer reports and LOGREC software records,
some events
are in LOGREC, but not in Fault Anal,  and some events are in Fault Anal
but not in
LOGREC and maybe there are some other places in the system where we can
some information about a software error

I think sometimes it is up to the function to determine whether or not to
use LOGREC or Fault Analyzer.  So would you tell us at what level you are
looking for capturing this information?

Are you looking for

JCL Errors
Return Codes
Any non Vendor failure/return code?
Vendor issues that do not produce SVCD, Logrec, or Fault Analyzer

Sometimes automation (like OPS/MVS) or a Scheduling Product (like CA-ESP)
can help in these cases.

Depending on what your are trying to capture, if vendor code does not invoke
the services to create the data for Logrec, SVC Dump, or Fault Analyzer,
then you may not be able to "see" it.  You might need to trap something like
SVC 13 (Abend) and try to force the information.  Or use (just a guess) SMF


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