
I know I have a response outstanding regarding your "keep-alive" problem, but 
I just spotted this. I seem to be the only list contributor dealing with VTAM 
matters so I don't expect I'm taking the pleasure away from anyone else by 
trying to deal with it immediately - although I'd be delighted to know that I 
was - and all are invited to try to work out what I may be meaning with that!


Actually the first point that comes to mind is why are you asking this question 
because anyone who has been through usual VTAM subarea networking 
education and worked with it should know all about the famous 087D sense 
code, its various modifiers ands and IST663I messages and what they imply.

This reeks to me of a "let go" where the "suits" have decided that their VTAM 
systems programmer was "superfluous to requirements" and has been allowed 
to spend all his time on the golf course or supporting the football team at 
away matches - or equivalent pursuits for a lady.


Now looking at the names of the LUs in this failed session setup, I see that 
the origin LU (OLU) is 


which looks like a CICS system and the destination LU (DLU) is one of your 
TN3270 APPL statements (for external users),


This implies that CICS is trying to initiate a session with the TN3270 APPL 
statement which is *not* usual. Usually, it is the TN3270 APPL statement 
which is trying to initiate a session with CICS.

Note the message 


which, in conjunction with the IST663I message with sense code 087D0002, is 
saying that, the SSCP (VTAM) has a session setup request from an OLU 
destined for a DLU which can't be satisfied in the "home" domain - because 
the required DLU is not defined - or is inactive. Thus it needs to send the 
session setup request to other, "away", SSCPs (also known in this context as 
CDRMs) (VTAMs) and, to do this, it sends the request sequentially following 
the order defined by the "adjacent SSCP" table defined for the DLU, which, if 
it doesn't already exist, can be a default list for the "home" network, as 
defined by the "network identifier" (NETID) - assuming we don't have an SNI 
configuration, which in this case we don't since the NETIDs are the same.

However, you don't have a suitable "home" network adjacent SSCP table 
available maybe because you haven't actually got any other, "away", systems 
running VTAM connected with subarea links to your "home" system which can 
be used to build a dynamic adjacent SSCP list under control of the DYNASSCP 
start option specified as DYNASSCP=YES, the default.

All of which is consistent with the messages you see - assuming two things:

1. TELNE21E is not active
2. You have specified, perhaps by default, the DUPDEFS start option as 

I had a look at the explanation of the DUPDEFS start option and there is a bit 
of a confusing comment under DUPDEFS=APPL. I think this means that what I 
have described is likely to be valid only because you have defined your 
TN3270 APPL statements as a *model* APPL statement - which, because of 
your other thread, still ongoing, I know is as follows:


Well, as it should be now after my previous comments!

I think this means that the DUPDEFS start option is then irrelevant since the 
LU name corresponding to the APPL statement is "known" only when it is 
active - which leaves only 1 from above.

Perhaps you can explain what is causing this session setup attempt, which, as 
I said, looks odd and we can take it from there.

Chris Mason

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:09:23 -0500, George Rodriguez 
<> wrote:

>I've got this message on SYSLOG and I've read several IBM publications to
>try and understand, but none of the pubs explain how to solve a particular
>problem. If I understood the problem, then I can take action in resolving
>it. Here are the messages I get on SYSLOG:
>IST663I  INIT OTHER REQUEST               FAILED  , SENSE=087D0002
>IST889I  SID = D60BACEC2F856D69
>I've looked up the sense code (087D0002):
>087D      Session services path error: A session-services request cannot
>          be rerouted along a path of SSCP-SSCP sessions.  This
>          capability is required, for example, to set up a cross-network
>          LU-LU session.
>0002      An SSCP is unable to reroute a session services
>          request because a necessary routing table is not
>          available.  This means that there is no adjacent
>          SSCP table corresponding to the rerouting key in the
>          resource identifier control vector.  The receiver of
>          this value will, if possible, try rerouting to
>          another SSCP.
>          VTAM Information: When VTAM receives this sense code
>          for a session initiation, it continues searching
>          through the adjacent SSCP table until the
>          destination LU is found or routing is exhausted.
>I just don't how to take the information from the message and do what's
>needed to eliminate the problem. Can any of you great MVS ListServers help
>me out?
>Thanks in advance...
>*George Rodriguez*

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