"FRANCIS SOUSA" <fds1...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:<aanlktim+krplz7szoajh2y6enmprno3rkvi6_he1f...@mail.gmail.com>...
HI Everyone,
we had an ATL 3594, which was dismantled and the drives alongwith the
control unit were used as a standalone device for carts to be used outside
the ATL, so that the operators now have to mount the carts manually instead
of the robot. The issue now is that the carts inside the ATL were SMS
managed and unfortunately they were not removed from the ATL before it was
dismantled, and neither was the location of the carts in RMM changed to
shelf. so now we are stuck as these carts cannot be used outside the
dismantled ATL, any attempt to change the location to SHELF fails cause the system still senses it as a sms managed cart and tries eject the cart, which
fails as the ATL is dismantled, any idea how to resolve this problem, help


First, do a DELETE VOLENT for all the tapes in that ATL, and if that was your only ATL, get rid of VOLCAT VGENERAL. You should be able to move the volumes in RMM with CV MANUALMOVE.

As an aside, whoever dismantled your ATL without ejecting all the tapes first should be sued for incompetence.

Tom Conley
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