Google publishes 2 ways to remove your own usenet posts from their
archives.   When it was "deja news", this was known as "nuking", so you
might search on that term for more info.  I've not used it, so cannot
attest to it's effectiveness, but it at least says it's still possible.

As for making sure it doesn't get archived in the first place,   Deja
News  created a header field called "X-No-Archive" to deal with that,
and Google still says they honor it.

Again, I've not used it since Google Groups came into the picture, so
cannot attest to it's effectiveness or if it works when coming from this
listserv instead of from the usenet group or if that screws it up.
Back many years ago when I used a real newsreader and participated in
usenet groups directly it worked just as advertised.   I still
occasionally visit  a couple of very old usenet groups, and still see
posts come thru with "x-no-archive" as the first line, so presumably it
still works. 

I am not familiar with other usenet archives so don't know if they honor
the same parmameters, or have alternatives.

I admit I'm not sure if this is what we're talking about or not, and I
don't know the answer to the age old question "If a post is hidden, will
anyone hear it fall in the forest?" but thought I'd add my 2 cents to
the confusion.



-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of McKown, John
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Deleting post
Sensitivity: Private

Ah. Now that makes sense. I wish there were no publically available
archive too. I get emails from dippy software vendors who must be doing
email scraping from the DB2 list. We don't even run DB2. I wish they'd
go away. But, instead, I put up another autodelete rule.

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