From: Howard Turetzky <howard.turet...@infoprint.com>
To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 3:39:26 PM
Subject: Re: PSF and non AFP printer

You might consider plans to replace your 6262. It was withdrawn from service 
in 2007, and while parts may still be available from third parties it will be 

difficult to service and support the machine.

If you need an impact printer that can be driven by PSF, consider the Infoprint 
6500 or Printronix 7000. These are dot-matrix printers up to 2000 lines/minute 
with an option for TCP/IP IPDS support, so it can be started/stopped, 
back/forward spaced, and you get IPDS error recovery. With PSF you can use 
the Line Mode Migration feature to use your existing FCBs without the need to 
change job JCL.

Howard Turetzky
Ricoh Production Print Solutions
I do not have experience with the printers you mentioned. However, IBM had 
*LOTS* of issues with PSF & its printers *WITH* backspacing and forward 
I have the scars to prove it. My memory says I am responsible for 50 APARS to 
fix PSF & Jes2 problems with forward/backward spacing printers. I think that is 
when the grey hair started to come in. 
I honestly would hate to get in a match betwen IBM & (you name the product) 
trying to point fingers at software issues. I have the scars to prove that at 
least even with IBM printers it was messy. The printers you speak of may be 
perfectly OK but when you get into a match between IBM software and your 
printers I think its a lost cause, personallly. The people at PSF level two 
ready for me to queue up a PMR (or two or three) the same day.
I was on a first name basis with them and they were great people and they did 
not like me calling as they knew I had a bug and it was going to be work to get 
it corrected. 


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