Nothing changed here that we know of. You should open a PMR.
Mike Myers wrote:
We had successfully run some REXX procedures that used REXX in the batch to process job output through SDSF on z/OS 1.9. To get it to work in 1.9, we created a new user group, which we put first in our ISFPRM member and associated the designated users by adding an IUID statement that addressed an NTBL table that named the TSO users we wanted to be able to run the REXX procedures. Since going to 1.10, with the same ISFPRM member and the same REXX procedures, we now find that the REXX procedures fail to retrieve any data from SDSF and all fail when trying to address any of the .0 elements of the stem variables that should contain data returned by our SDSF commands. Did something change in the REXX interface for SDSF in z/OS 1.10? I have not been able to find any items in the manuals or on the net. Mike Myers Pitt County Memorial Hospital Greenville, NC
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