hlq.**)) or as you need. (we have a separate backup step for *OMVS*.**

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Chris Hoelscher <> wrote:
> I occasionally restore using ADRDSSU and rename the restored dataset to my 
> HLQ - so that I can have an older version of a dataset to compare to the 
> current dataset. By  default (it appears) - the restore process will put the 
> restored/renamed dataset on the same DASD volume as from which it was 
> originally backed up (which is fine with me )
> However - at times I need this dataset to remain for days or even weeks - the 
> job that does the weekly backup of this DASD VOLUME does not have authority 
> to read/backup any datasets with my HLQ (nor should it) - thus the backup 
> abends and I get yelled at
> Yes - I could remember to force the restored dataset to another DASD volume 
> -but - my real question (and preferred solution ) is - is there an option to 
> tell ADSDRRU "if I do not have authority to backup  any dataset - don't try" 
> ??( I did attempt to read z/OS V1R11.0 DFSMSdss Storage Administration) but 
> did not find any help there - so either I cannot read IBM-ese or my hoped-for 
> solution does not exist - thanks for any suggestions
> Chris Hoelscher
> IDMS & DB2 Database Administrator
> 502-476-2538
> You only need to test the programs you don't want to get called on later
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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