A CF absolutely *NOT REEQUIRED*. It is only *HIGHLY DESIRABLE* . A SYSPLEX can be implemented with only XCF (over CTC). I speak from experience. I am doing this today.
There are many functions available with a CF that will have to be forgone (e.g. VTAM persistent nodes, HSM common recall queue,.... IRLM,...) However, it does function at the cost of performance. HTH, <snip> In 2012 we may be looking at replacing the T01 with a 2 engine z10 or z196 box. When I was discussing these plans with our IBM business partner, they indicated to run a SYSPLEX, we were going to needed to have a Coupling Facility - and that the CF engine was rather expensive. </snip> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html