Yes, interesting applications. Although they cannot be that 'old', 3390-s are around for 2 decades or so.

Your example of the 65k PS limit is still not limiting a dataset to a 3390-3, it will fit perfectly on a 3390-54. How can an application demand a 3390-3? I know an application that demands its dataset to be within the first 256 cylinders of the volume, this is ancient private excp processing from the 70's, this is 'old'.

So, where is the 3390-3 limit?
Any program using BDAM with calculated relative or absolute disk addresses can run afoul of device limitations; that's mainly why these types of things are discouraged. If you really think you need BDAM with calculated addresses, consider the use of VSAM RRDS instead. Fewer device dependancies and a far brighter future. :-)


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