Mr Zelden

Since you take it upon your arrogant self to accuse others of not being 
professional - in public so I claim the right to reply in public - let us 
examine *your* right to claim to be professional.

The business you are in requires a certain amount of nous evidence of which on 
your case is in short supply according to this response.

> Is this meant to be a joke? I didn't see the smiley.

Indeed, it is so very clearly an ironic contribution - as may be appreciated 
eventually - but with serious intent. It really should not be necessary to 
paste a "smiley" whenever a response is not wholly serious. Normally an 
explanation mark should be sufficient but I didn't want to detract from the 
serious point here which is to emphasise the "contextual" aspect.

By not flagging this up too obviously as an ironic contribution I obliged the 
extra keystroke of checking what my reference was - and sorry Internet for the 
additional load I have induced you to have to bear!

Some time ago there was a regular contributor to this - and a number of other - 
lists by the name of Patrick O'Keefe. If you've been following discussions on 
this topic over the years, Patrick complained - bitterly I could add - that he 
was -  *professionally* one could say - obliged to pay attention to any post 
where the *subject* contained the dread three letters since, unless obviously 
the usual misuse at the level of the subject - by no means always the case - he 
may have been able to offer some assistance.

This case, "USS - file can't be deleted.", *could* have involved a VTAM 
Unformatted System Services table file which, as is actually well known by 
those who have had to "play" with this entity, needs some improbable 
incantations to have its presence removed and these are described in the 
reference I gave.

Furthermore Matan really should have known better since I have had to deal with 
some of his problems involving VTAM in the past. Thus he knows what the three 
dread letters really should be and he really could - allowing for not always 
having language which is that precise in subject lines - have been referring to 
something relating to the proper use.

Of course, when I took a look into the post, the context was clear but I - and 
any others like myself who relate more to the SNA-oriented TELNET server and 
VTAM use - would already have been obliged to take the plunge and peruse a post 
of absolutely no interest whatsoever at all.

Thus all those who actually checked on my reference will know of what I speak!

> What does that have to do with a full /tmp file system? 

How <the several unprofessional expletives deleted> was I supposed to be able 
to be sure from the subject?

> And why is all the prior context removed?

Note first of all that an unprofessionally missing question mark has been added.

Only a Homer Simpson could not have noticed that exactly the "prior context" 
was very clearly present! Duh!

> If this is an attempt to start another acronym war, it's a waste of 
> everyone's time and bandwidth and very unprofessional.

It was to make a point and I believe it has been made.

Furthermore as far as I am concerned and anyone actually capable of the logic 
one might expect from someone claiming to be a professional in this business 
where logical thinking does tend to be a professional requirement, giving the 
false impression that the dread three letters apply where they do not is of 
particular concern where there are fresh entrants to the business where 
responsibility may well be given - as I have actually noted from a couple of 
posts over the last few months - for the maintenance - evidently without 
adequate introduction to existing definitions - of Communications Server.

Just think about it and ponder who is professional and who is definitely not - 
whether or not from within IBM or without.

Chris Mason

On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 08:13:51 -0500, Mark Zelden <> wrote:

>On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 04:53:44 -0500, Chris Mason <> 
>>> USS - file can't be deleted.
>>Have a look at the OPTION=DELETE option in the following:
>>Chris Mason
>Is this meant to be a joke?  I didn't see the smiley.  What does that have to 
>with a full /tmp file system?  And why is all the prior context removed.
>If this is an attempt to start another acronym war, it's a waste of everyone's
>time and bandwidth and very unprofessional.
>Mark Zelden

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