
I have an Omegamon report that lists average response time for a
transaction, the count and the name but the Period is only list for the
first transaction even though it applies to the following transactions.
I have a field in this case that is a Date/Time and I want to repeat
that field for the following records while it is blank. 

The below is an example of the output before sorting

----START-----  -----STOP-----                  NAME    COUNT
01/20/12 08:00  01/20/12 08:59          XRQ0            1
63              .178
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          ACFT            12
177             .008
34              .005
9                       .003
204             .010
161             .017
177             .013

After sorting the Start and Stop date/time has been repeated for the
following records while that field is blank. 

----START-----  -----STOP-----                  NAME    COUNT
01/20/12 08:00  01/20/12 08:59          XRQ0            1
01/20/12 08:00  01/20/12 08:59               X257               63
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          ACFT            12
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          CATA            177
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          CATD            34
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          CDTS            9
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          CESN            204
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          CITS                    161
01/20/12 09:00  01/20/12 09:59          CQRY            177


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu] On
Behalf Of Elardus Engelbrecht
Sent: 30 January 2012 12:55
To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
Subject: Re: Sort repeating date field

Chambers, James wrote:

>I am trying to repeat the Start and end Date/Time for an Omegamon Cics
report. Is it possible using DFSORT repeat a field for all the records
after that have a blank for that field?

>The below is an example of the output

I'm not really sure what you want, could you be kind to post the example
you received and what you actually want. With both outputs (received and
expected) available for comparision, someone can probably see exactly
what you want.

Thanks in advance.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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