Aw John, don't be hard on Chris -- he means well.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of John Gilmore
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Do what to get C strftime %z to work?

Charles Mills writes:

<begin snippet>
What does that have to do with LE? No other platform that I know of has LE,
but on every platform cannot a C function trivially call another C function?
Otherwise wouldn't every C program have to consist simply of one humongous
</end snippet>

and I concede that I know of no C implementation that supports only 'one
humongous main()'; but 1) that was not my point and 2) it is a tendentious,
systematically obtuse interpretation of my words.

Let me try again.  Calling sequences, environments, parameter-passing
conventions, and the like differ from one implementation to another of, say,
C.  Within a single such implementation detailed knowledge of these things
is not usually required.  It is enough to use correct syntax.  When,
however, one wishes to communicate from one SLPL to another, things change.
One needs to know more about implementation details; things that can and
usually do remain implicit in the simpler case must now be made explicit;
and for pairs of IBM-supported languages both of which use the Language
Environment to do much of their work for them, LE manuals are a good place,
often the only place, to find such information.

The choice in such situations is between finding and consulting the relevant
manuals, whatever they may be called, and reliance upon an afflatus, which
may be long in coming.

This said, life is short; and I shall not respond again to CM's posts.
 He can, I am sure, get along very well without my responses; and I can find
better things to do with my time.

On 2/21/12, Charles Mills <> wrote:
> Also remember when perusing the LE publications that the inventors of 
> LE in their wisdom thought it would be too clear to the uninitiated to 
> call the languages dependent on Language Environment "languages," 
> choosing instead to further overload the word "member."

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